Tell me about Rainbow Fish

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AC Members
Apr 4, 2010
eastern ky
Yesterday I was browsing online trying to figure out what I want to put in one of the two empty tanks I have (20L and 30g) I also have plans to p/u a 125g in a couple of weeks. Enough said.

While searching I came across some info on Rainbow fishes. I have never encountered these fish. Today, however, while at an out of town LFS I found they sold several varieties.

I know nothing of these fish and I am not having much luck finding info online with the exception of the very basic kind. I find these fish very attractive.

Now my question, has/does anyone on here keep or have kept these fish and what can you tell me about them. I don't like to buy blind. I need to know I can care for them properly.

Thanks for you any info you can share.


AC Members
May 21, 2010
There are many, many species that go by the common name of rainbowfish. They are all schooling fish from Australia and some rare ones Madagascar. The common ones at local fish stores are boesemani, praecox, lacustris, or red rainbowfish. They are VERY VERY hardy and easy to care for. A big plus is that the males have fantastic colors and the females are also not so bad looking compared to some of the female cichlids from lake tanganyika. They love planted tanks and prefer pH on the upper basic end. They are also very colorful in the morning when the sunlight first hit the tank so I suggest you put your tank by a window. They are a very fun fish so expect a lot of males dancing around for the females and flaring their fins at each other. They are very peaceful and I have not seen a single torn fin from my males displaying to one another.
Also be sure to verify the source of these rainbowfish. Most of the ones (especially bosemani) that are farmed are somewhat ugly. Getting them from rainbowfish breeders is the best way to avoid the ugly ones (hopefully this is where your LFS got theirs)


Just Noods......
Apr 17, 2008
Real Name
^ ^ :iagree: They are also interactive unlike tetras, etc. They will greet you when you approach the tank and watch you, much like Cichlids do. They have very narrow mouths but are little piggies, so feed smaller foods they can eat without problems. Also, my LFS is selling hybrids so do some on line research to "know what they should look like" and ask them questions. They are fun, active fish so keep in mind that they are not suited for a smaller tank. Good luck!


AC Members
Apr 4, 2010
eastern ky
Thanks for the info. I asked at the LFS if they were schooling fish and I was told no. Just watching them in the tanks I did not think that was right.

They do sound like a fish I would be interested in.


Hey, I'm really a woman.
Mar 26, 2010
Outside Seattle, WA
They are really pretty and hardy fish. However I'm not sure your tanks are big enough...until you set up the 125.

You could do the dwarf neon rainbow (M. praecox) in the 20L and 30g, but all rainbows like room to swim so it would be a squeeze for the larger rainbows. Maybe in the 30 but I dunno....


AC Members
Feb 22, 2009
Except for maybe some threadfin I don't think you could fit a school in a 30g, 50g plus would be decent though. They are active and need room.
I agree with the others, except that I don't personally think they are all that hardy. I have had some pass away from bacterial infections that they seem easily prone to, perhaps from inbreeding.
Very nice fish though that gets along with most.


AC Members
Apr 4, 2010
eastern ky
i was looking at housing them in a bigger tank. The 125 will prob get my parrots and a few others.

I have placed an add on craigslist hoping to find a good deal on another large tank. I figure it will take that long for me to learn enough about the rainbows to decide what i want.

The LFS had them in a 125 with some angels and a few tetras. The rainbows looked really nice.

Now I am going to go ck out that site.



AC Members
Apr 4, 2010
eastern ky
Thanks for the site. There was a lot of good info. My mouth is I want some of these fish. They are beautiful. Aquiabid has several for sale. My addiction has kicked in again. I need another job.