Fluval Clearmax

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AC Members
Mar 14, 2015
Is this in new, cycling tank?

If it's a tank with fish, hopefully you never see any nitrites. You shouldn't if you keep up on water changes and let the beneficial bacteria colony adjust itself to your tanks' bio load.
No it is established as biondoa biondoa said. The bacteria has to adjust to bigger bio load (though no fish were added), because the clearmax was taken out. Should be a different spike than cycling - after 24 hours the maximum daily impact of the extra nitrites should be seen and decline from there. With luck the colony has a big enough buffer to be able to handle the nitrites right away (it would test 0ppm after 24 hours). I would wait a week or two before adding new fish while testing every few days to make sure the bacteria really keeps up and had time to create a new bigger buffer.