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  1. Kyohti

    Brigs Snails, Anyone?

    Yes, they are. I love 'em. They're so much fun to have. I don't know why I never bought any sooner. ^__^ If I had a USB cord for my digital camera, I'd snap some shots of the adults, but alas... my cats chewed the cords down to the bare circuits, so I'll have to buy a new cable when I get the...
  2. Kyohti

    Brigs Snails, Anyone?

    Here you go. They are very old pics of them from back when I first bought them. They were dime and pea-sized at the time, but I personally think their colors on their shells are still very pretty, if a bit scuffed. I ran out of snail milk for a while and I think they chewed on each other a...
  3. Kyohti

    Brigs Snails, Anyone?

    Not at the moment. I have old pics of them from when I first got them somewhere... let me go look for them.
  4. Kyohti

    Brigs Snails, Anyone?

    I have another clutch now!! The others haven't hatched yet. I honestly don't know what I'm doing with them or how long it normally takes for them to hatch. As I stated before, all of my snails were one gender, I thought. Now I know differently!! ^__^;; But yes, I have jade and striped...
  5. Kyohti

    Advice for a new tank?

    For bushy, I'd go with hygrophila. You can't freakin' kill the stuff unless you toss it in a lightless cupboard for a month or something... it grows like mad-crazy, though, so you'll have to trim it back every now and again. My neons and my betta LOVE the stuff. :)...
  6. Kyohti

    Planted 5 gal Hex

    Mine's a plain screw in 11-watt fluorescent and I have no natural light in my kitchen. There's a wall between it and the livingroom and no windows (it's located on the internal walls of the apartment, the livingroom and bedrooms are located with the outer walls). My plants are doing quite well.
  7. Kyohti

    First attempt at a planted tank - with a twist!

    Nevermind... Awesome idea. You should send those photos to Legos. :)
  8. Kyohti

    First attempt at a planted tank - with a twist!

    I can't see it. :cry:
  9. Kyohti

    can u keep a male and female betta together??

    Some females can just be too old to mate, too, and therefor are nasty-tempered and more interested in shredding your fish than mating him. I've had a female like that before. I only knew she was a girl because she'd sometimes show vertical stripes when she was younger... but she'd never breed...
  10. Kyohti

    My superdelta betta in the sunlight- like fire!

    :footinmouth: :footinmouth: :footinmouth: :footinmouth: :footinmouth: :footinmouth: :footinmouth: :footinmouth: :footinmouth: Oh man, I totally botched that one.... well I feel sheepish!! *chuckles* Yes, you are correct. I've gotten what I've been reading all crossed. Mahachai is actually one...
  11. Kyohti

    My superdelta betta in the sunlight- like fire!

    That's what I love about my Dante. He's not what I consider to be a 'boring guppy'. He has fire and attitude and is curious and active. He's rarely ever hovering still in the tank. And he's definitely not a timid fish. He sometimes chases the neons in the tank (not as if he'd ever catch them)...
  12. Kyohti

    Planted 5 gal Hex

    I have a 5 gallon planted mini-bow aquarium myself. I went with easy low-light plants because the only flourescents I could find locally were 11 watts. I dose Tetra Flora-Pride and Hagen Plant-Gro for my tank's ferts. They're easy for me to dose and easy to come by in my area. I have...
  13. Kyohti

    My superdelta betta in the sunlight- like fire!

    Yes, I imagine Betta Mahachai is in his bloodlines. Mahachai was crossbred with splendens to intensify irridescent colors. It's how we created 'masked/armadillo' bettas. It's a color trait borrowed from Mahachai. Wild Betta Splendens had irridescence in his scales, but not as thickly or...
  14. Kyohti

    I'm back! With another halfmoon betta pair.

    :y220e: Fantastic. :y220e: I'm definitely impressed with your fish! I'll be interested to see how you procede with your breeding program. Will you be making any attempts at continuing the butterfly in his line or are you gonna swing for pure copper or copper lace? What's your plan?
  15. Kyohti

    My Friend's Birthday Tank

    Dwarf Puffer: The female platy died, the male is alive, and I'm still trying to convince her to switch to an actual tank. This is a different friend who's interested in doing things right even though it's her first tank. I'm SOOO happy she's willing to let me help her so much!! Yes, I'm using...
  16. Kyohti

    Aggressive Fancy Guppies - the tails are being shredded?

    Yeah, I'm thinking that sounds a LOT like fin rot. And once it's rotting, the others are picking at it and making it worse, perhaps? Medicate the tank and maybe perform a salt bath to destroy any living infections in the tail fins and provide plenty of plants and natural cover for the ailing...
  17. Kyohti

    Fishtank in home theater.

    This was always my impression too. The decibel levels of jet engines around airports, shuttle stations (NASA), or extensive bass sound like in clubs or homes and vehicles equipped for deep decibel noise is like tapping the glass physically. It is loud enough that even humans with our larger...
  18. Kyohti

    Brigs Snails, Anyone?

    I thought all my snails were boys... but it turns out my jade, Smeagol, is female. So I now have an egg case with 1/2 purple stripe (Samwise) and 1/2 jade green (Smeagol) baby snails in it. And here I thought they were enemies... :rolleyes: I'll give anyone however many they want. I'll pay...
  19. Kyohti

    I can't contain my excitement!!!

    Oh... and SMEAGOL IS A GIRL :jaw-dropping: I found this out because... guess what? I have a big snail egg nest-thingy next to my light fixture!!! :nilly: Nooooo!! Not more baby snails!!! :nilly: *sigh* I love 'em... but I caught them trying to 'get fresh' again last night and I...
  20. Kyohti

    I can't contain my excitement!!!

    Took some photos last night and I was all psyched until I remembered why I stopped using my digital camera.... no usb cable. :cry: I'm gonna steal my friend's camera tonight when I take her out for Chinese food. I just got done redecorating my 5 gallon for the THIRD time. I was going to do...