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  1. cloud

    Help! Fish in danger. Calling all north londoners

    p.s. can't take lls till later tonight. but please leave a massage and i'll get back to you. s
  2. cloud

    Help! Fish in danger. Calling all north londoners

    HI all. I need to give away some fish quick before they end up goners. I moved house to disasterous effects. the bacteria in the tank collapsed so i lost a lot of fish. i'm keeping the servivors alive by doing a 60% water change a day but... to top it all off the tank has started leaking and...
  3. cloud

    Heater Broke Inside Tank

    It can never hurt to do a water change if your worried about tit though.
  4. cloud

    got bored made a video

    cheesy sixties wah wah guitar music.... football game and commercial you say? hmmmmm. was it that commercial where the plumber offers to fix the woman with the ample breast's washing machine with his ample tool? ;)
  5. cloud

    what to do with bristlenose

    I'd try him for a time in the 60g. I'm quite suprised he worried your cories. I have 1 bristlenose and 10 cories of varying ages in both my main tanks and neither are up tp 40g, and even though the peco can be a hog at feeding times the cories are'nt effected in the slightest. I just put 2 bits...
  6. cloud

    Meat for fish

    I feed chicken to my cory's once in a while. they really go mad for it. I have a couple of books that recommended it.
  7. cloud

    Aquarium Software

    That does look cool. Thanks!
  8. cloud

    Aquarium Software

    Is there anything good for Mac users?
  9. cloud

    Holy Cow!!!

    whale sharks are migratory. I don't think they'll be happy in there. also i've seen a 1 million gal display, and mentally multiplying that size buy eight there's no way you could keep a whale shark happy in that amount of water. the whale sharks I've seen in the wild would hardly be able to turn...
  10. cloud

    Did my Platties have Babies?

    Never seen anything other than babies come ouyt if my platies when the gave birth. Can't really see anything in the shot you posted but maybe your platie had a parasite that it got rid of?
  11. cloud

    check out my fish

    nice fish. like the one with the elephants trunk and the Air Jordans.
  12. cloud

    Fish Bullies

    some bullies are a pain, but some are real phychos that are capable of bullying other fish to death. in which case giving it away is just moving the problem onto other people so the fish can kill elsewhere. i don't think it's fair. If it's a real killer of a bully rather than just a big pest...
  13. cloud

    substrates, Your opinion

    you keep men in your tanks?! sick puppy! ;)
  14. cloud

    ok to turn off filter at night?

    There are many filent filters on the market if you have the budget for them. I have an Eheim Pro II which I bought because it was said to be queit. I have it running in my bedroom and I have no probs with it.
  15. cloud

    substrates, Your opinion

    dito. I have a layer of Ecco complete under the gravel in one of my tanks but I can't tell if it's doing any good as the plants seem fine in both thanks.
  16. cloud

    Fish At top of Tank(not dead)

    By cycle i don't mean the product called Cycle (which as anyone on this site'll tell you there is no scientific proof it has any effect). Cycling is a term used to mature your tank (letting the tank create enough of the right bacteria which is ESSENTIAL for keeping your fish alive). but I would...
  17. cloud

    Anique experts / Late 1800's fishbowl from Berlin / Copper and Brass

    Nice piece I don't think I'd risk fish in it either, and besides, how would you get filtration into it without ruining the easthetic? (all the tubes and wires sticking out etc). But some gravel and an aquatic plant might be nice. all the better if you can get CO2 & light to it.
  18. cloud

    Can anything be done to help a gourami build a bubble nest?

    Wow! I did the plants on strings thing yesterday and he's bubbling up a treat now. fingers crossed it all goes to plan for the fishy fella.
  19. cloud

    Fish At top of Tank(not dead)

    Need more info Firstly a few Qs so we can help you: What kind of fish are they? How big/old are they? Do you have a filter? Is your tank cycled? When was the last time you changed the water and how much of it was changed? How long has the tank been up and running for? Would need...
  20. cloud

    Can an aquarist be a fisherman too?

    I guess at the end of the day, catching fish seems a lot less hypochritical when you take into account that most of us eat fish too.