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AC Members
Mar 5, 2009
Michigan - Indiana Border
Real Name
Can anyone tell that I have been home, sick, the past few days? I think, my wife and I picked up a summer cold when we dropped our son off at college in Ohio last weekend. I am on Day 3 of my cold and starting to get better while my wife is on Day1 and is going down hill fast. No better time to spend quality time with Nyatzi and camera in hand :wink:

With the overhead flash on top of the tank and the camera fixed on the tripod, the fish's position in the flash zone is very important. I try to set up in an ambush spot and hope for the best. I finally caught Nyatzi flaring (well, partially flaring) his dorsal fin. As the supreme alpha male in the 125-gallon tank, there is not much need to flare his dorsal fin. I was so excited to catch a partial flare and have it a good location in the flash zone. I have my new favorite image now!

I do want to confess one detail: while shooting this afternoon with the overhead flash, I set the white balance, as best as possible, on the camera to try to get "true images." I was noticing a little too much blue in the view finder and the purple highlights I love on my Mikula were not showing up on screen. I made a decision, when this image went to "Post" I was going to attempt to regain the color that I believe my naked eye was seeing and was lost to the flash. This means I was going to break one of my rules: with frontosa, Blue & Purple adjustments are off limits!

Here's my confession: in Adobe Camera RAW, I adjust the Blue slider (+3) and the Purple slider (+11). Again, this was to attempt to regain the color I was seeing with my eyes in the tank. The adjustment was minor and I even held back a little from where I thought it should be, just to be conservative. I feel it is important to admit this because people buy my fry and I want their trust.

So, I believe these colors to be real; but, I did slightly tweak the blues and purples to overcome (what I believe) to be color lost due to the flash.

In any event, with that disclaimer out of the way,.... I am really stoked about this image:

Thanks for viewing and commenting.



AC Members
Aug 10, 2015
The coloration is amazing


AC Members
Aug 10, 2015
Your smart to copyright your images....


AC Members
Aug 10, 2015
Images are copyrighted by default in the US. No need to specifically do so.
That's true but still its make its a lot more difficult for someone else to use your images without your permission.


AC Members
Mar 5, 2009
Michigan - Indiana Border
Real Name
That's true but still its make its a lot more difficult for someone else to use your images without your permission.
Yes, true!

I have had people (even a company) steal my images and use them for profit.

I have a fish friend down in Oz who is an accomplished professional photographer. He has been kind enough to help me develop my aquatic photography skills and provide some coaching on the professional side of the photography hobby. He urged my to copyright and watermark my images (on screen and in the meta data). There is even software that will let you know the activity on your images and help you track down illegal users.

So, the images are copyrighted and the water mark is just a visible reminder that I am serious about my images not being used without my permission/rights purchased/or prints purchased and have the ability to track down abusers.

Thanks again!