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    School dammit!

    thanks for the replies guys... lets see, no Red Tail shark; upgrade; 2 more C. Loaches:D
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    School dammit!

    yes, tank is full already... but is there any fish (1) I can add just to make my rasboras school? I'm thinking a small red tail shark, would that do the job? Also I do tank cleaning/water/filter change at least 2x a week and water quality/parameters are A-OK... Thx
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    School dammit!

    Hey Guys- just a question on what fish I can add to make my 11 H. Rasboras school, the only time they school is when I do tank cleaning/water change. Also I have a couple of nice med size angels so fin nippers are no-no's. I only have a 30G tank but will upgrade in a couple of months Thanks...
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    Next Tank .... White Play sand??

    ditto, have to change mine after a month, first week it was awesome but it looks nasty when dirt sets in... I got brown play sand now (med brown) haven't notice any diff since the day I got it, 3 months ago...
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    100 gallon tank = how much sand?

    plants actually are big help when using sand, specially silica sands, the plants absorbs the nutrients in the water and help prevents algae outbreak (specially brown algae, diatoms)
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    100 gallon tank = how much sand?

    I wouldn't use white sand, I did the first time and using natural brown now(between med to dark brown) at first it was beautiful but after a couple of weeks (with weekly vacuming and water changes) dirt sets in and it was ugly, I had the brown sand for a while now and still looks beautiful..
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    Brown Algae...

    do you have sand (silica) as substrate? if you do, these is probably the cause of the brown algae, l read a lot of success stories with sand as substrate if they have lots of plant in the tank, too much nutrients in the water and too much light creates brown algae outbreak, but if you have...
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    Substrate question

    I prefer playsand (home depot) 2 months ago, I changed from gravel to silica sand (menards) it look very nice at first, light brown color, but a few weeks later, dirt sets in even with weekly water change and vacuming... now a week ago I changed it to play sand, very nice... prolly in between...
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    Who Knows about silver Arowanas

    I read somewhere not to buy baby arowanas with egg sacks, due to the fact that these babies were taken from their pops mouth and in the process, killing the pop... for a fish lover you don't want to support these breeders... /my 2 cts
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    Fish $...high price on small fish

    $14.95 in one LFS and $9.95 in another... NW burbs of chicago
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    you can have juvies in there for a couple of months, I have 4 of them in my 29G tank, but I know Im gonna have to give them up when they mature, bought them for a dollar a piece from a local breeder...
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    Bio Spira

    works for me, all fish alive, happy and healthy... go to the mfr website, lots of comments/testimonials from legit folks... make sure to stock the tank otherwise bacteria dies... also make sure LFS store it in a fridge...
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    Somebody stop me!!!

    :) also, I first got a 20G, took it back to PetSmart after 2 days and ask for a 29G... will prolly stick with the one I have since I live in an Apartment, but when I get my own place (next yr?) 90G min... thx for the info on Q-tank...
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    Somebody stop me!!!

    don't have one yet... but will prolly pickup a 10g if needed, why ask for quarantine? am I choosing disease/injury phrone type of fish?... bear with me I'm still a newb thx
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    Somebody stop me!!!

    I know clown can get preety big, but I will prolly keep them for 2 yrs (at least thats what I was told) for a 29G tank, as for my angels, I will prolly give them up too when they get matured since they get too aggressive when they get big, or I can prolly just get me a big tank by that time...
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    Somebody stop me!!!

    I'm buying too many fish, lol, just got back from LFS and got me 2 yoyo loaches, also I just picked up 4 angels (2 silver zebra, 2 sunset something) from a local breeder... current fish in my 29G 3 guppies (first occupants) 2 dwarf blue gouramis 4 angels (will prolly remove 2 of them...
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    Moving aquarium to a new spot...

    awesome... muchos gracias
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    Moving aquarium to a new spot...

    help plz guys, 16 views, 1 reply... thx
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    Moving aquarium to a new spot...

    hey guys, another newbie question here... this will be my first (technically second, tank was'nt fully cycled and got the help of bio-spira) time moving my aquarium, I will be changing from gravel to sand too, got me a new stand and will be moving my 30G aquarium to it, got me a 20 gal garbage...
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    clown loaches?

    yes the yo-yo's are actually my second choice to clowns, just not sure if there is any other type that is closer to clowns behavior...