Marine Fish: Illness and Treatment **MUST READ

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i r 2pro4u
Apr 13, 2007
I'm currently reading a book on aquatic biology. A lot of books I type because it helps me remember what I read and also aids in spelling of new material. I came across this and I felt that it could be very beneficial to the forum. When someone has a sick fish they don't have hours to wait on a post, time is critical to the life of their fish, and this post could be a great tool in helping them diagnose and treat their fish - because losing one sucks!

The book is Encyclopedia of Aquarium and Pondfish by David Alderton.

How to use this post:
EYES <- part or behavior of your marine fish
  • <- Symtom(s) [#] <- Reference number to conditions listed below
  • Eye missing from the socket, with no other symptoms or abnormalities evident [15]
  • Bulging eye or eyes, together with swollen belly and raised scales [14]
  • Eyes become cloudy in appearance [1][2][6][9]
  • Fish persistently rubs its head on rocks or on the walls of the aquarium [5]
  • Small white spots evident on the eyes and possibly also elsewhere on the body [1]
  • One eye appears white in color, while the other is normal [14]
  • Ulceration develops on the surface of the body [5][8]
  • Scales disappear from the body [1][5][8][15]
  • Velvet-like patches on the skin [1]
  • Gas bubbles visible under the skin [14]
  • Lumps or more distinct cauliflower-like swellings develop on the body [12]
  • Skin starts to slough off the body [8]
  • Skin has a more slimy appearance than normal [1][2][3][4][5][8][16]
  • Fins appear frayed at their edges [9]
  • Fins display prominent tears [15]
  • Fins have evident reddish bases; most apparent in pale-coloured fish [9][10]
  • Fin rays exposed; fish loses appetite [10]
  • Pieces missing from the fins; especially evident in the larges finned species [15]
  • Golden-brown spots are evident on the fins, as well as on the body [1]
  • Fin posture changes, with caudal fin clamped shut. Ability to swim and activity are reduced [17][19]
  • The fish darkens in color, accompanied by a range of other symptoms, such as loss of activity [5][17]
  • Blood visible; signs of hemorrhaging into the water from the body [2][3]
  • Duller than usual, often with tiny golden spots [1]
  • White spots appear over the surface of the body [1][2]
  • Dark, blackish spots are evident over the body [4]
  • Irregular patches indicated loss of color [9]
  • Abnormal patches of color, paler than the surrounding areas. These may enlarge and coalesce [1][11][13]
  • Fish becomes swollen, notably in the vicinity of the belly [7][9]
  • Relatively large, flattened object(s) evident on the flanks of the fish [5]
  • Profile of the fish starts to alter, with its spine becoming abnormally curved [11]
  • One individual is persecuted by one or more other individuals in the tank [15]
  • Fish displays abnormal swimming pattern [13][17][18][19]
  • Gasping at the surface, with the fish sometimes trying to jump out of the tank [18][19]
  • Fish scrapes its body against the rockwork [2][4][6][16]
  • Fish appears to be disoriented and has difficulty maintaining its balance[13][17][18]
  • Respiratory rate alters markedly; the fish often has obvious difficulty breathing [1][2][3][6][9]
Condition: Marine velvet disease
At Risk: All fish
Symptoms: Rapid gill motion in early stages, because the gills are typically the first stie of infestation. About four days later, velvety patches become apparent on the body, and the eyes may become cloudy. The velvety look will spread over the entire body. Advanced cases display small, white spots, as if the fish has been rolled in powdered sugar (don’t try this at home). Fish may die within two days of initial exposure.
Treatment: Isolate and treat rapidly with commercial remedy, usually one containing copper sulfate. The free swimming parasites can be destroyed by using an ultraviolet sterilizer; dropping specific gravity down to 1.010 will also kill parasites in the water.

Condition: Marine white spot
At Risk: All Fish
Symptoms: White spots, around 1/32 in (1mm) across, spread over the fish’s body and fins. Infected fish typically try to relieve irritation by rubbing themselves on the tank décor. Other symptoms can include clamping of the fins, cloudy eyes, and even hemorrhaging. Caused by the protozoan Crytocaryon irritans.
Treatment: Isolate and treat with commercial remedy. Continue treatment for at least a week after the fish appears to have recovered to reduce the likelihood of return outbreaks. Ultraviolet sterilization can help to curb spread of the parasite. Watch out for secondary fungal and bacterial infections.

Condition: Brooklynellosis
At Risk: Anemonefish
Symptoms: Typically excessive mucus production, resulting from the protozoan’s irritating effect. The excess mucus may make the fish appear duller in color. Other signs often include labored breathing as the gills become damaged, and increased loss of color. The gills may hemorrhage and small red spots may be observed. Heavy infections will usually cause the death of the fish.
Treatment: Use commercial remedy. The condition responds well to treatments based on formalin or malachite green. Freshwater bath often beneficial. Maintain good water quality and low stress levels to prevent brooklynellosis in aquariums.

Condition: Black spot (tang turbellarian disease)
At Risk: All fish, including tangs
Symptoms: Affected fish develop a series of blackish cysts no more than 1/16 in (2mm) in diameter on the body and the fins. The spots are clearly visible on light colored fish but inconspicuous on darker species. The spots cause irritation, and the fish may rub repeatedly against the tank décor. Other symptoms include reddened skin and listlessness. The cause of this is a flatworm, which remains on the cost for about six days, and then drops off on to the substrate. Five days later the body wall of the adult worm ruptures, releasing hundreds of young.
Treatment: A fresh water bath combined with a commercial remedy (usually based on formalin) will destroy these parasites, which are the larval stages of flatworms. Watch for signs of secondary infection.

Condition: Head and lateral line erosion disease
At Risk: All fish, with tangs most vulnerable
Symptoms: Obvious pitted appearance on the head of affected fish, with erosion of the area over the lateral line. Fish become lethargic, and open wounds providte access for other bacterial and fungal pathogens, which may eventually kill the fish. Also know as the hole-in-the-head disease.
Treatment: Causes of the condition are unclear. Possible factors include poor water quality, high nitrate levels, poor nutrition, or infestation by the protozoan parasite Octomita necatrix. If affected, treat rapidly with medicated food. Addition of vitamin C to the diet may help in long term prevention.

Condition: Flukes
At Risk: All fish
Symptoms: Symptoms include rapid breathing, in the case of gill flukes, and irritation. Fish suffering from skin flukes will often rub themselves on tank décor. Cloudy eyes and color changes may also indicate infestation. There are many species of flukes, and these parasites are common on imported fish. Microscopic examinations of skin scrapings and gill clippings are required for positive identification of parasite species.
Treatment: Use a commercial formalin-based treatment. A freshwater bath can help to overcome these parasites rapidly.

Condition: Intestinal worms
At Risk: all fish
Symptoms: Not easy to identify with certainty, but worm infestation is possible if recently acquired fish starts to lose weight rapidly, or develops a swollen abdomen. The internal gut parasites deprive the fish of nutrition, so affected individuals appear quite lively, but tend to display a ravenous appetite.
Treatment: Specially medicated foodstuffs containing and anthelminthic will overcome these parasites, which are then voided from the fish’s body.

Condition: Uronemosis
At Risk: All fish
Symptoms: Early sign of infection is skin discoloration, leading to ulceration; may be confused with bacterial disease at this stage. Skin sloughs and may also become pitted distinguishing this from brooklynellosis. Some fish, such as sea horses, may, however, show no external signs simply developing respiratory complications.
Treatment: Rapidly fatal if internal organs, such as the kidneys, affected. Treat the fish in a freshwater bath, or in a medicated bath containing a combination of formalin and malachite green treatments.
Condition: Vibrosis
At Risk: All fish
Symptoms: variable symptoms, ranging from loss of body color, frayed fins, and cloudy eyes to sudden death. Caused by Vibrio bacteria that are naturally present in the gut.
Treatment: Outbreaks often occur in fish that are in poor condition or that are new introductions. Treatment with a antibiotic bath can be effective.

Condition: Fin rot
At Risk: All fish
Symptoms: Reddening and erosion at the edges of the fins, which may become ragged and allow entry of secondary infections. Caused by any one of a range of bacteria.
Treatment: Usually linked with poor water conditions, so carry out a partial water change. Make sure fish are not being overfed. Treat infections with antibiotics.

Condition: Piscine tuberculosis
At Risk: All fish
Symptoms: Weight loss, pale body color, declining appetite, and ultimately, scale loss. This condition results from infection by Mycobacterium.
Treatment: Hard to detect at first. No effective treatment. Review diet, because the bacteria may be introduced in fresh shellfish and fish foods.

Condition: Cauliflower disease
At Risk: All Fish
Symptoms: Whitish, raised growths on the body, which can develop a cauliflower-like branched appearance. New arrivals to the tank are most vulnerable. The disease – also known as lymphocystis- is caused by a viral infection.
Treatment: A short freshwater dip may help. No treatment is available, but the disease is neither highly infectious nor (usually) grave; left alone, the nodules will fall off within about a month. Do not try to remove the nodules, because the rate of re-infection is high.

Condition: marine fungus (whirling fungus)
At Risk: All fish
Symptoms: Disorientation (hence the name “whirling fungus”). The fungus attacks the body organs and commonly results in loss of color and weight, and ulceration.
Treatment: Treatment is virtually impossible. Separate suspected cases immediately and treat with antifungal agents.

Condition: Pop-eye
At risk: All fish
Symptoms: One or both eyes protrude abnormally from their sockets, and sometimes turn cloudy. Can result from infection or poor water quality. Also known as exophthalmia.
Treatment: Try antibacterial treatments and improve water conditions.
Condition: Bullying
At risk: All fish
Symptoms: Physical injury, including damaged fins and eyes, and scales missing from the body. Fish may be seen chased and attacked, although this may occur after dark.
Treatment: Separate and treat affected individual as required. Watch for opportunistic infections on any damaged parts of the body.

Condition: Excessive mucus production
At Risk: All fish
Symptoms: Slimy appearance to the body. Fish frequently rubs itself against tank décor. Excessive mucus production indicates skin inflammation.
Treatment: Try to establish underlying cause and treat accordingly. If no symptoms of parasites are evident, this can be the result of trauma rather than infection.

Condition: Loss of balance
At Risk: All fish
Symptoms: Affected individual swims at an abnormal angel in the water, and is often incapable of swimming in a straight line.
Treatment: Typically caused by chilling. Add warm water to the tank and closely monitor temperature. Can also result from swim bladder disorders, for which little can be done.

Condition: Poisoning
At Risk: All fish
Symptoms: Depends on nature of poison. Fish may cluster at the surface, where they appear to struggle for breath. May also float on their sides, hang at abnormal angles, or try to jump out of the water. Often, fish die very rapidly.
Treatment: Ascertain cause as quickly as possible. Immediately carry out water change of up to 40% of the tank volume. Add activated carbon to the filtration system to remove harmful substances.

Condition: Salt imbalance
At risk: All aquarium occupants
Symptoms: numerous behavior changes, such as swimming abnormally, gasping, loss of appetite, resulting from an increased tank salinity.
Treatment: Check specific gravity readings regularly and be sure not to increase the salinity in the aquarium by incorrect dilution of water.

Condition: Starvation
At risk: Many
Symptoms: Fish not seen feeding, but may appear health. Affected individuals develop an indented lower body line, commonly described as “pinched up.” Fish with highly specific diets are at greatest risk.
Treatment: Offer a good variety of suitable foodstuffs. Try to house other fish that feed readily, which should encourage the more nervous fish to sample unfamiliar fuddstuffs.
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