Dwarf bristlenose plecos?.

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The one who takes a different path.
Jul 22, 2007
31 Spooner St. Quahog, RI.
Ok...first off how dwarf are dwarf bristlenose?. Dwarf enough so they could live in a ten gal if they had to?.

Could I consider a pair for my small apartment setup?...I'm seeing a few auctions of homebred ones on aquabid and I'm really tempted to get a pair.
My current fish are:
Three kuhli loaches though I may replace the ones I've lost since they like to be groups..not sure yet.
One female betta.

I'm also seriously thinking of doing the to hell with stupid housing restrictions and just setting up my thirty gal. Maybe I should maintain the water low level when inspections come through and then fill it up the rest of the time.

Also would they eat my sword plant/creeping jenny plant.


Rock the Shocker
Aug 27, 2007
I have a pair and they are great at keeping my 29 gal clear of algae. I got them small, less then an inch and their growth has been very slow. I was told they stay close to 3 in. they should be fine in a 10 gal. They have not harmed any of my plants.


Catfish and Cichlid lover
Jul 11, 2007
Aughton, UK
:iagree:Depending on the species (I'm assuming it's something like Ancistrus dolichopterus- the dark spotty one with a stripe on its caudal fin, but lots of Ancistrus look pretty similar), males reach about 4", females usually a bit smaller at 3-3.5". They do seem to be much slower growing than plecs. If you get any make sure you've got a tight-fitting lid or condensation tray though- I had 4 but one climbed up the glass and out of the tank and finished up dried up on the carpet- despite there being over 2" of glass above the water level and only a couple of places it could squeeze past the condensation tray.
Apr 2, 2002
New York
A 10 is really too small to house them for any length of time. I have spawned them in a 15 gal but there were only the bn and then fry in the tank.

You can probably have a single Ancistrus claro in a 10 as they stay even smaller http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/species.php?species_id=152
otherwise a few otos would be a better idea for an algae eater.