Mbuna tank with refugium

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AC Members
Oct 28, 2006
Last weekend I took two saltwater set ups, a 40g and a 55g, and combined them into a second 55 gallon tank that I have. This left me with two empty tanks and some extra saltwater paraphenalia, like a 3 gallon refugium. I'm setting this tank up to house mbuna. The refugium has a built in protein skimmer, which obviously won't work for this set up, but I bagged up .5 liters of Eheim Substrat Pro and placed that where the skimmer emties into the main part of the refugium. I've had great luck using chaetamorpha algae in saltwater refugiums, so I'd like to try something similiar with this mbuna refugium, just out of curiosity. I just took these measurements on the water in that tank. The pH is 8.0, hardness is 6 dKH and the temp is set at 76 degrees. The refugium has its own 15 watt fluorescent light and uses a 250 GPH powerhead for water flow from the tank. Finally here comes the question. I'm no expert on plants. I had originally planned on using elodea, Egeria densa in the refugium. I was wondering if riccia, Riccia fluitans might work and maybe be a better choice? Anyone have any thoughts, suggestions or ideas?


AC Members
Jan 20, 2008
Giant Hygro is one of my faves for cleaning water but I think your 'fuge is too small with too high a flow rate for that plant to work.