Goldfish Addict

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AC Members
Dec 4, 2008
Page, AZ

I just wandered into the site tonight. I just started having fish again this summer after not having any since I was a kid and that wasn’t my tank so I’m making mistakes by the dozens but working on it. I got two bettas on impulse when I went with a friend to pick up fish for her tank at home and we had office fish through the summer at work. A water change got one of my bettas the other Betta I had taken home and took a leap one day. I learned and now I no longer do small open bowls except for when cleaning my tank when the guys are just too helpful or for holding fish tank stuff that I seem to be gathering now.

Spur of the moment too close to the fish when picking up dog food and now I’ve developed a goldfish habit. Needless to say we had all learned to love the fish, a little emotional therapy for any of us on a hard day we’d tell each other to go tell the fish about it and I do have to say Jack, the office betta, would come out and be enthralled by any of them doing their hair in the mirror next to his bowl and we’d been missing having an aquatic friend and I decided that maybe I’d go with something other than bettas after the one jumped on me so I decided that maybe a goldfish would do better. I got two - a black moore and a fantail and a small tank with a top. I know read about before you buy but I was fishless and emotional and they were really little and the fantail was the same color as my betta that jumped a few days before. So off to work went the two little goldfish and then a goggled goldfish and realized that the tank was going to be short lived and when they came home my husband was going to be a bit miffed about having to ‘do the fish thing’ he’d had saltwater in the past. So they came home and moved onto the bathroom counter. Did ok for a few days and then fantail just wilted without his human female fan club and nothing I did for him seemed to help and I ended up with just my black moore.

At this point I loved my goldfish and decided to get serious and up graded to a larger tank so that I could add a friend again. By the time we got to this point my husband had gotten into the fish in the bathroom thing that we ended up with two friends a gold and calico fantails that I choose mostly based on swimming ability and alertness when buying two months ago. Again I have slightly more goldfish in the tank than I should but make up for it by being the queen of water changes and test my water often and tonight just got FedEx-ed my new better filter for the tank so many be I can down grade to being the princess of water changes. When we get out house all fixed up my next project is going to be to put in a large 75+ tank so that I can get more goldfish but I would give up the tank in the bathroom for anything now. Who would have guessed you could have pet excited to watch you brush your teeth. Seeing these guys every day has turned me into a goldfish addict and I can’t wait to get more when I’ve got a good roomy set up for them.


AC Members
Apr 8, 2008
Tallahassee FL
welcome to AC, this sounds like the place for you. try checking out some of the threads in the coldwater forum, and dont forget to post a few of your own :D


Plastic Plant's Live Longer
Mar 2, 2007
"Minnesota - It Gets Chilly Here"


Staff member
Dec 30, 2005
Real Name
Mr. Normal
Glad to have you here!


AC Members
Nov 30, 2010
Welcome to AC! Goldfish are absolutely amazing. Especially when they eat, they just stare or completely freak out when you walk by and they think you're going to feed them.