Temporary Clamped Fins

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One of my goldies clamps his fins and looks pathetic right after feeding. Everyone else is doing fine and looks good. About 10 minutes go by and he is back to his normal self. Constipated?

Water quality is good. Weekly water changes and nothing new has been introduced.

They have been eating Jungle anti bacteria med. pellets and are on their last day today. I was treating my big goldies red streaked tail. I was told that it was ok to give to my other healthy fishes as well.

He has only started this the last 2 days or so.

IMO he is constipated ..just looking for additional input. Thanks.


Befriend a feeder!
Oct 17, 2006
Southern California
You know, it might be something in the medicated food. I keep a can of Jungle's anti-parasite food around and swap that in for their staple food at least once every 6 months, and the best I can figure is that it must taste bad or make them a little queasy, because I notice the same behavior. They mope around for a while, but as soon as all the food is eaten they're back to normal.

You might try feeding him some shelled cooked peas in the morning or evening, whenever you don't normally feed. It should help clear him out of any gas or constipation without interfering with the medicated food.
They were treated with an orange wedge today for lunch...They all attacked it like little sharks. No clamped fins. Jungle med food just must taste terrible. Like little kids not wanting their medicine.

I'll give em a few peas for dinner.