My new Betta Assassin is not like my comunity Betta Ninja

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USN/USCG 1974-2004 Weps
Ninja is my 60 tank community male Betta who has lived peacefully since January with the resident 10 Tiger Barbs 2 silver Dollars, 3male molly's, 5 Tetra Minors, 3 Cory, 1 Dwarf Gourami, 3 otto's and 1 Gobi Dragon.
So I bought a new male Betta for my 120 tanks thinking he would certainly get along with my resident 4 angle fish, 6 BP's, 1 Pleco, 4 Otto, 3 Cory, and 3 female molly's. I named him Assassin because during the day he was placid, friendly and peaceful, but I discovered that when the evening lights were turned off he was attacking my largest angels tenaciously. One angle particular had gill wounds with gill wounds I discovered the next morning. Thinking that perhaps swapping him out with Ninja in the 60 tank would be more compatible with faster swimming fish as angles are slow with flowing fins.
Everything seemed to work out fine with Ninja being his calm peaceful self with the angles in the 60 tank and Assassin looking much more calm with the with the more confident Barbs. Then it was lunch time and Assassin's true colors came out by not allowing any community fish to get near the food with very threatening posturing. So Assassin now had his own large floating breeder tank and seems content while Ninja still remains a peaceful member of the community. So it appears that not all Betta's can live peacefully in community tanks regardless of the compatibility match up.
Assassin in his own floating condo

Ninja remains at peace in community tank



Shine On You Crazy Diamond
Sep 29, 2008
every fish is different.

they dont like to be around other fish if they were raised by them selves

bettas and Gourami will most likely fight.


AC Members
Apr 12, 2009
^^ thats odd, my bettas and gouramis never every fought, and my new betta swims with my angels, however what kind of angels do you have? veils?

If you got a real finny angel then yes the betta will attack and kill it due to the look of the fins.


AC Members
Apr 13, 2007
I've just introduced my betta male to a tank with three guppies living in it already. So far he's only showed a little agression in the ten hours he's been in the planted tank. He's acting a lil macho and chasing one of the female guppies a bit, but he hasn't bitten anyone (I've been watching).

I have noticed that he does get more active when the light is off. I just think he is not used to living in a larger tank with a light in it. maybe the light hurts his eyes.

he's loving the filter downpour and keeps using it to push him down and flip around the other way.


Staff member
Dec 30, 2005
Real Name
Mr. Normal
Nice bettas.


Innocent and Pure!
Oct 2, 2006
Dallas, TX
Real Name
The one thing I learned getting my Biology degree is that every time you think you have biology figured out an organism changes its mind and behaves not the norm. great looking fish. AND always nice to see another Navy vet here...


USN/USCG 1974-2004 Weps
Glad to read you guys objectively understand this was a well meaning situation, outcome and post that I'm not, "just being careless, cruel, showing disrespect to Betta owners and the big one "just posting this to get a response".

Anyway at the advice of someone who is an Betta expert and has the spectacular breeding stock to prove it, I have placed both Ninja and Assassin in there own separators until I can build a Betta display inside my new / used acrylic tank if I buy it. I figure a couple of 1 gallon separators should be plenty. Here you can see them both inside their containers in these updated photos of my tanks. You can also see some of my 6 BP's that like to hide peeking behind but not inside the clay pots lol.

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AC Members
Apr 13, 2007
hey man, i've got more info on my betta with 3 guppies tank.
day 1- betta is disoriented, but seems to be glad to be in a significantly larger tank. he likes letting the filter push him around a bit.

day 2- betta is getting confident. chases some of the guppies around. his colors come into a brilliance i'd never seen before. the thrill of the chase. also see bettas gill flare for the first time in the year i've owned him. he's always been mellow. he doesnt chase the guppies that often, but does get more rambunctious when the lights go dim. the guppies do not seem to mind him that much and go about their business.

day 3- betta has spent the entire first half of the day patrolling the center of the tank and chasing guppies. his colors are awesome, but the guppies have gone into hiding amongst the plants and driftwood except at mealtime. betta finds them and chases them even when they hide.

end of day 3- betta comes out so that guppies may thrive unperturbed.

its a shame, he's such a mellow fish. but the dark side came out. i think the betta thoroughly enjoyed it though. got to live a little like a wild animal.

p.s.- i was gonna start my own thread, but attaching this to your thread may aid people who search for betta tankmates in the future.