Plywood tank build

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AC Members
Feb 14, 2009
Camp Lejeune, NC
Amazing how many are built, figured Id give it a try myself. Dimension are 96"x24"x24", this is going along some what smooth, surprisingly. I have enlisted the help of my 12 year old son, we managed to get some seriously sticky wood glue up to our elbows. Fortunately for him he doesnt have as hairy arms as I do.

Im using 3/4 ext. plywood, gorilla glue, 2 inch drywall screws about 3" apart, I think it maybe over kill, but better to error on overkill than not enough right?

Ok, so Ive built a box with a window. Now for the ??'s

What kind and where can I get epoxy for this build?

What kind of silicone is ok for this application?

I bought atube of 100% silicone and when I got home read it closer and it said not for use below waterline and not for aquarium use. Is that just a disclaimer, legal, mumbo jumbo?

Can I use the 2 part epoxy at Lowe's for concrete drive ways?:idea:

I heard about resin, does it come with pigments?
Here are a few pics so far.

IMG_1526.JPG IMG_1527.JPG IMG_1528.JPG


AC Members
Feb 14, 2009
Camp Lejeune, NC
Once it's all done, what kinda filtration, would the experts suggest?


Ignorance Specialist
Nov 19, 2008
Central New Jersey
Wow, 96 inches. I hope you plan on putting in center supports. That length with ¾ ply will need center supports.

Regarding your epoxy….any two part epoxy should do it…I would guess at least a quart each (hardener and resin) to cover everything. I’m sure there are DIY threads all over the place on how to do this. Check them out.

The silicone to use…obviously aquarium safe stuff from an aquarium supply place, which will cost ten plus a tube OR GE Silicone I. This is the only pure silicone that I know of that does not have the moldicides/additives/etc. that could leach into your tank.

In regard to your filtration question, that depends on what you want to keep in there. If it is a FOWLR or FO, a “simpler” filtration system could be used. If you go with a full blown reef tank, I would highly suggest a sump with refugium.

Best of luck with this build…keep posting pictures.



AC Members
Dec 22, 2008
I dont want to come off like a jerk here, but have you read about some good plywood builds. They are basically all two sheets of plywood laminated and screwed together in alternating patterns. Waaaaay stronger than what you have built. Just end screwing a sheet together will prolly hold for a little while, but eventually it will fail unless you build a frame around the entire thing. Like this.

Plywood is not strong when your pushing against the sides. Your tank at this point is not overkill at all, and is acctually underbuilt.

I applaud you for taking the initiative, but I think you should stop now, and read a few more threads. You can still use what you have done, you will just have to build up more around it.

Basically you should add one more layer to the outside or inside of your tank. Glue and screw that layer to the first layer with overlapping seams. Dont have the same seam twice. Similar to the seam in this corner.

Not bashing ya at all...constructive criticism...Id hate to see you get it build, and it blow apart in your living room.


AC Members
Oct 16, 2006
WOW, nice build there Phatboydime, what size tank is that and is there a link to the finished product? (if it is finished or even an in process link)

I dont want to come off like a jerk here, but have you read about some good plywood builds. They are basically all two sheets of plywood laminated and screwed together in alternating patterns. Waaaaay stronger than what you have built. Just end screwing a sheet together will prolly hold for a little while, but eventually it will fail unless you build a frame around the entire thing. Like this.

Plywood is not strong when your pushing against the sides. Your tank at this point is not overkill at all, and is acctually underbuilt.

I applaud you for taking the initiative, but I think you should stop now, and read a few more threads. You can still use what you have done, you will just have to build up more around it.

Basically you should add one more layer to the outside or inside of your tank. Glue and screw that layer to the first layer with overlapping seams. Dont have the same seam twice. Similar to the seam in this corner.

Not bashing ya at all...constructive criticism...Id hate to see you get it build, and it blow apart in your living room.


AC Members
Dec 22, 2008
Sorry for the confusion. Its not my build. I just know what is involved. That is a 600 gallon tank. I pulled the pics off google. You can find tons of threads on


AC Members
Feb 14, 2009
Camp Lejeune, NC
These are just a begining pics here phatboy, Im gonna support the top in the center and support the bottom with 2x4 wrapped around and under, like a crate for shipping. Hard to explain, I'll take more pics and keep updating. Thanks for the info.

redfish, the silicone is GE I 100% silicone clear, and we are gonna put Oscars and the such in it.


Ignorance Specialist
Nov 19, 2008
Central New Jersey
.....and we are gonna put Oscars and the such in it.

My advice for filtration was based on the tank being saltwater...this is in "Marine" equipment. Mods should probably move this to the FRESH Equipment/DIY side.

If you are going freshwater, and a tank that big, with maybe a few Oscars, I'd go with two large canister filters...maybe three, if needed.


AC Members
Feb 14, 2009
Camp Lejeune, NC
Thanks redfish, I just talked to my Aunt who is a civil engineer. She says that Im looking a 120 lbs per square foot. I wonder what the "BURSTING POINT", for lack of better term, of the plywood. Ive decided to cut the front out of a single piece, rather than pieces, like they say in the directions. Thanks for the input.


AC Members
Oct 16, 2006
Thanks redfish, I just talked to my Aunt who is a civil engineer. She says that Im looking a 120 lbs per square foot. I wonder what the "BURSTING POINT", for lack of better term, of the plywood. Ive decided to cut the front out of a single piece, rather than pieces, like they say in the directions. Thanks for the input.

I wonder if you were to use fiberglass mat or even stepped up to fiberglass roving would make the tank a better seal and also add strength. You could add pigments to the resin (which there are many colors available).