Hi im new! I have a pleco problem

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AC Members
Mar 18, 2010
I have what I believe is a common pleco. He i only about 1.5-2 inches long. Two days ago I noticed that his belly was bloated.I thought he was just full, but I did research on it. I've learned that there are bloating problems that occur in fish.I thought my pleco may just be bloated, so last night i tried feeding him peas. I'm not sure if he was able to eat any of it, because he can hardly get to the bottom of the tank. However, today i noticed that his scales are sticking out a little, and I suspect it may be dropsy as opposed to bloating. Im so worried! I'm trying my best to keep my fish alive. I have a betta along with my pleco. Does anyone have advice on what to do with my pleco? I want to separate him for treatment but i do not have another tank with a pump so that the water has plenty of oxygen for him. pls. help. this is stressing me out! thanks


wannabe fish whisperer
Sep 14, 2009
McCleary, WA
Real Name
I'm sorry to hear about your trouble, here's a few quick questions that will help figure out what's going on. The peas are a good idea, but water quality may be one of the big issues. Plecos generally don't have trouble reaching the bottom of the tank so that's definitely a bit worrisome.

What size of tank are you using?
How often do you change the water and what percent do you change?
What water conditioner/dechlorinator do you use?
Have you tested the water? If so, what are the levels of Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate? What is the pH?
What test kit did you use?
What temperature is the water?
What other fish are in the tank with the affected one?
What food do you use, how much, and how frequently do you feed?
Are you using any plant fertilizers, pH adjusters, etc?
How long has the tank been set up?
What is your filtration system?
Do you have pictures of the affected fish?

I'm sorry to bombard you with a lot of questions, but it is important to have as much information as possible in order to help you. If you want to get a head start, I generally recommend a 25% water change right away in case there are water quality issues (nitrate build-up). make sure to match the temperature of the water going in within a couple of degrees. I also recommend using Prime (made by seachem) as a water conditioner since it can be used in an emergency to lock out nitrites and nitrates.


wannabe fish whisperer
Sep 14, 2009
McCleary, WA
Real Name
Additionally, it may be better to ask a mod to move this to the Freshwater Disease section. There are some great folks that literally watch that section like loaches on snails and they usually respond just as quickly.


AC Members
Mar 18, 2010
Thank you for your help!
before I answer all those questions, let me explain my current (frustrating) situation.
Originally, the fish were not mine. They were my fathers. In fact they are in my parents' house. Initially, my parents had the fish in a terrible habitat. they kept them in a vase (about 1/2 gal.), so i bugged them constantly about buying a fish tank, as well as tried to explain to them that if the fish do not have the proper habitat, they easily die. However, my parents REFUSE to buy a proper fish tank. (i live on Guam and there are only two pet stores here. They are over priced. maybe a 3 gallon tank will cost about $50 not including the pump.) unfortunately, i have not been able to buy the fish tank either. (But I'm thinking of doing so despite the expense because it pains me to know that the fish may be suffering.)

Anyway, I was able to find a 3 gal. bowl, which the fish are in now. I change out 1/2 gal. of the water every other day, and do a full water change every weekend. There are plenty of live plants in the water in order to make sure that there is oxygen supply. Also, i use a chlorine and chloramine neutralizer and an ammonia "extinguisher". I do not test the temp. of the water. I do not worry too much about that because Guam is a tropical island with tropical and warm weather. room temp water here is never too cold and never too hot. if i had to guess the water temp is probably high 70s to low 80s.(just a guess)
since they got the pleco, i have been trying to feed it cucumbers, spinach, zucchini, lettuce, peas, and algae wafers. he took to the cucumbers and zuchini before, but he would just suck on them. Not sure if he really ate any of it. However, he loves the algae wafers, but its still not satisfying cause i know they are supposed to eat lot of fresh veggies. i fed him every night til i noticed the bloat. Then, I tried the peas just last night.
The only other fish that is with him in the bowl is the betta, which is doing great. In fact, I thought the betta was the one i would have to worry about dying on me!

I wish I could easily find someone who would take in my sick pleco and give him the proper care, but on Guam it is not easy to find places or people like that.

I believe that if I did not intervene and started taking care of the fish myself they would have died a long time ago. (My parents did not realize how complicated caring for fish may be. They just wanted something aesthetically pleasing.)

pls. be gentle with your remarks. I understand that the living conditions for the fish are not the best, but I'm trying hard to take good care of the fish despite the fact that I don't have all the means to do so. Thank you for all your help!

i hope that all of this info helps. I am very very new to fish care, and i will not even attempt to act like an expert. I do my research though, and I'm almost ashamed of the situation I'm in. Especially cause I know it could have been prevented.

Also, I have been reading about people euthanizing their fish. If this is the best thing I can do for him pls let me know. Although it hurts me to even think of having to do that to him. I really love this pleco and I want him to live happily. However, I would raher not have him live if he is living in pain.


AC Members
Jul 5, 2007
Good for you for trying to take care of your parents' fish. They're certainly better off in the 3 gal tank than in a vase, but--as I bet you've found out online--common plecos get HUGE! :eek3:
Your pleco can grow over 18 inches long. He'll be a big, fat fish at that point--and they grow fairly quickly. Unfortunately, he won't survive long in your 3 gallon. And it sounds like a bigger tank is going to be way over-priced for you. If you don't have any friends with a bigger tank who could adopt him, maybe consider giving him to a pet store.

You may not get any money for him or anything, but the pet store would probably take him. I'm in Hawaii, and like Guam, we have to worry about invasive species. People dumping aquarium fish in streams around here is a big problem. So, pet store are required by law to accept fish that people bring in. I bet it's the same in Guam.

Do you know anyone who has a pond? Your pleco would do just fine in the outdoors.

Anyway, I was able to find a 3 gal. bowl, which the fish are in now. I change out 1/2 gal. of the water every other day, and do a full water change every weekend. There are plenty of live plants in the water in order to make sure that there is oxygen supply. Also, i use a chlorine and chloramine neutralizer and an ammonia "extinguisher". I do not test the temp. of the water. I do not worry too much about that because Guam is a tropical island with tropical and warm weather. room temp water here is never too cold and never too hot. if i had to guess the water temp is probably high 70s to low 80s.(just a guess)
Your water change schedule is very good--but plecos are very messy fish--don't hesitate to change some water every day.

As for temp, I think you're ok. Here in Hawaii, I don't use heaters either.

since they got the pleco, i have been trying to feed it cucumbers, spinach, zucchini, lettuce, peas, and algae wafers. he took to the cucumbers and zuchini before, but he would just suck on them. Not sure if he really ate any of it. However, he loves the algae wafers, but its still not satisfying cause i know they are supposed to eat lot of fresh veggies.
It's ok for now if he's just eating wafers. In such a small tank, it's easy for the water to get polluted from food, so make sure you don't leave wafers or veggies in there if he's not eating them. If he doesn't finish his wafer, take the rest of it out.

Also, I have been reading about people euthanizing their fish. If this is the best thing I can do for him pls let me know. Although it hurts me to even think of having to do that to him. I really love this pleco and I want him to live happily. However, I would raher not have him live if he is living in pain.
I say, euthanasia should be an extreme last resort. If he's got dropsy, he may be too far gone anyway. Can you get a photo of him and post it here?

If you can get him back in good health, then it's better to return him to the pet store than euthanize him.

And, I don't want to sound morbid here, but if he were to pass away from dropsy, then your 3 gallon tank would actually be ok for the betta. Is it a tank or a bowl? Post a picture of that, too, if you can.

Anyway, you're doing the right thing by doing lots of water changes, and by researching your fish's needs online. Good luck with him!


wannabe fish whisperer
Sep 14, 2009
McCleary, WA
Real Name
Leah is correct on all counts, and I shuddered when I heard about the tank prices. It sounds like you're doing the best you can in a difficult situation.

It's sometimes hard for us in more northern climates to think of plecos as pond fish, but that might be the best option for him if it's possible. Make sure it's a contained pond though. A lot of plecos escaped from breeders in Florida and they've been wreaking havoc on the walls of the irrigation canals since they burrow in mud to breed.

At this point, I would recommend stepping up the water changes to daily since clean and fresh water is his best ally. Generally the algae wafers are a good choice for plecos and contain pretty much what they need, but some can cause a bit of a stoppage. Has he pooped lately? If not, that would be a good sign that he is plugged up and the peas are the best route.

If he's pineconing out, the best you can do is to keep his water clean and hope for the best.


AC Members
Mar 18, 2010
Thanks for the support!

Yes, after seeing that his scales were sticking out a little ive changed some of the water out every day. he looks a little less bloated today and not so piney, but I'll wait til I can get a better look at him tonight. Oh and I was mistaken, he is able to swim to the bottom of the bowl, so thats a good sign. :) I'll try and observe the tank for any waste of his. I haven't noticed any lately. Hopefully he eats some peas and goes to the bathroom. lol

I will try to find someone with a pond. I knew he would get big soon, and so I've been considering what I could do with him. I would LOVE to keep him but I know I won't be able to. Hopefully the pet shop can take him back. If not, I'll find him a good home. Makes me wonder what happens to most of the plecos sold here. I'm pretty sure most people on Guam don't have huge 55+ gal. tanks in their homes for their huge plecos.

Anyway, thank you for all the help! I will post back with an update. (hopefully it is a good update!) and I will try taking pictures. I dont have a digital camera so it might come from my phone. Ill do that soon.


AC Members
Mar 18, 2010
Ok I could not get a good and clear picture of my pleco. However, I found a photo online of another bloated pleco that looks somewhat like mine. In this photo however the pleco's belly is much more bloated than mine, and my pleco does not have any red marks as the one in the picture does. However, looking at the tail, it looks like the scales are sticking out a little and that is how my fish's tail looks as well. hopefully this helps.
<a href="http://s47.photobucket.com/albums/f168/piaconsuelo/?action=view&current=Dsc_0004-smallerTN.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f168/piaconsuelo/Dsc_0004-smallerTN.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>