Rhinogobuis Wui Questions

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May 23, 2010
Real Name
Hey everyone I'm cycling my 37 gallon (5 danios in and established media for a week already) and have been looking into getting rhiongobuis wui, or the white cheeked goby. Theres way too much conflicting info out there, so I wanted to get some of the facts straight.

1. What is their comfortable temperature range? Would 74 be too hot?
2. How many should I get? I know that only the dominant one has the nice coloration, but there be problems with getting 3 or 4?
3. What food do you feed them?
4. Plants or no plants? ( I was thinking about a few large anubias)
5. Are they brackish? I thought they were freshwater but aqadvisor says they are brackish.
6. What tankmates do you keep them with?
7. Would you reccomend getting them from invertzfactory?

Thanks for all your help guys!


May 23, 2010
Real Name
ps. the danios will be removed after cycle (back to the 55)


AC Members
Dec 16, 2009
Hey everyone I'm cycling my 37 gallon (5 danios in and established media for a week already) and have been looking into getting rhiongobuis wui, or the white cheeked goby. Theres way too much conflicting info out there, so I wanted to get some of the facts straight.

1. What is their comfortable temperature range? Would 74 be too hot?
No, 74 is just fine. In summer they have to deal with 85F watertemps., in winter/spring low 50's.

2. How many should I get? I know that only the dominant one has the nice coloration, but there be problems with getting 3 or 4?
In my tank the females did most of the fighting. Males are territorial, but actual fighting is rare. Use sand/fine gravel as substrate and place a few flagstones. Males will burrow holes beneath them (getting the chosen one might lead to some quarrel), if you have females and everything works out the males put on a display to lure the females. The female will chose the 'lucky' male and then you won't see him for a week or three depending on watertemp.
So back to your question, 37G sounds like a big tank 3m/3-5f shouldn't be a problem.

3. What food do you feed them?
Live foods are preferred, bloodworms, grindal, dapnia. Frozen bloodworms are usually readily taken. Dried foods flakes/pellets are not taken.
I have a large colony of RCS shrimp, large enough to keep them also with the gobies, shrimplets are eaten and they will try to eat the adults too. If provided with enaough hiding spaces some shrimp survive and you have your own food chain.

4. Plants or no plants? ( I was thinking about a few large anubias)
Plants are not needed, but Val. asiatica, crypts, do occur in their habitat. It's up to you, they don't mind plants. Go for Ferns & mosses if you want to keep things simple.

5. Are they brackish? I thought they were freshwater but aqadvisor says they are brackish.
Then aqadvisor is dead wrong!, these gobies are freshwater and freshwater only

6. What tankmates do you keep them with?
I keep them with WCCM (White Clouds) T. albonubes, Sewellia lineolata and RCS and Amano shrimp.
White Clouds, Beaufortia kweichowensis ( http://www.loaches.com/species-index/beaufortia-kweichowensis ), Broken band hillstream loach, Lizard fish are species from their natural habitat. Bumble bee & bee shrimp are too, but they don't breed fast enough to keep them with the gobies. RCS is a possibility , Amano shrimp (caridina multidentta) do fine, but don't breed.

7. Would you reccomend getting them from invertzfactory?
You have to ask someone else.

Thanks for all your help guys!
You're welcome

I first had them in a planted tank scroll down a little (dutch forum) more pics
Male displaying to lure' pregnant' female in his burrow. breeding reports starts here.
Now I keep them in this tank 70*25*20cm (35L)

day view

evening view


May 23, 2010
Real Name
wow! Thanks for all the info, I had a pool filter sand bottom, and a good sized rock formation (3-4 flat rocks spread about the tank). I'll take your advice on the RCS, and will probobly plant a few larger and broadleaved anubias around the tank. What is your feeding schedule, or do they snack solely on RCS?

Thanks for all the advice, I'll keep it in mind for the new tank. I had a leak in it today, I saved the cycling fish but it emptied the tank. Have to buy a new stand and try to get a refund for the tank, I can't believe that it broke.


AC Members
Dec 16, 2009
No, I feed daily, often twice daily, sometimes skip a day.
I live next to water, so when it's not frozen (like now), daphnia and codepods are easy food for me. I breed grindals. Live bloodworm, mosquito larvae, tubifex are also on the weekly menu. I give frozen bloodworm when I want to go for the easy way.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Nice tank asgard. The only thing I can contribute is I have gotten fish twice from InvertzFactory & they were well packaged, healthy fish. This time of year is iffy, nice today but...I see you're in MA too. Personally I'd wait until spring even with heat packs...