altums in a 29 gallon?

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Lightning Bug

My fish talk to me
Nov 4, 2009
angels have recently become a curiosity to me so im starting to do some research. i love the way altums look but iv read that they get almost a foot in height and six inches in length, is this accurate? my 29 gallon needs some more life in it, im a bit bored, and was hoping to add some interesting additions... iv been going back and forth with this for a while but im really getting anxious to do something new with my tank. perhaps altums will fit the bill? here's some old pics of the tank to give ya'll an idea of what iv got, things have been rearranged but it's much the same tank now as it was when these pictures were taken. thanks :)

IMG000001.jpg IMG_0164.JPG
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Apr 2, 2002
New York
You can only use a 29 to grow altums out from small size to about 1.5 inch body size for a group of 8. That size tank will work for about 18 months or so and then they will need much bigger.

Also, newly imported altums are not easy to get to survive.

Mine in this 29 wont last much longer in that size.


Lightning Bug

My fish talk to me
Nov 4, 2009
okay, are there any species of angels that will do fine in a 29?
Apr 2, 2002
New York
A pair of most domestic strains will normally work fine. You can also keep two females in most instances. However, finding reliably sexed angels is not always that easy, especially 2 for sure fms. Proven pairs are always available but cost the most.

Many folks who wish to end up with a pair (i.e. a fm and a m) will start with 5-6 smaller angels and grow them out until two pair off. When they do, you can move, sell or trade the rest and end up with a desired pair in the 29.

The key to understanding angels is to realize that they are cichlids which means they will always become really nasty when in spawning mode. Nasty to the point of injuring or even killing tankmates.

I would suggest you read this article on angels written by Cindy Hawley.


AC Moderators
Dec 21, 2005
Spanaway, Wa.
Real Name
there are currently 3 species of Angels

P. Altum

of the three leopoldi is the smallest, it is also considered the most aggressive.
the easiest to find is is the one most commonly seen in fish stores. a 29 is the smallest tank I would recommend for either a single angel or a mated pair
Altum will only work for a short time(as mentioned earlier)
even with Scalare you may find some limitations.
Leopoldi are pretty active IME .
all species would benefit with a larger tank.

Lightning Bug

My fish talk to me
Nov 4, 2009
no altums, thanks for the heads up about the aggression issues. i really love some of my other fish and would really hate to see them get torn up. at this point im pretty turned off to having angels... at least in this tank (i might try my hand at them later in life when iv got a bigger tank with more appropriate tank mates). im going to go read up on the other two species and see what i think but my mind is almost already made up at this point. one last question though, can angels be kept by themselves? that way i wouldn't have to worry about breeding time aggression... because there would be no breeding period. is that an option or should they always be kept with others of their own kind? thanks