discus sudden death help?

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Mother Monster

AC Members
Oct 30, 2010
Reposted from the monsterfishforums just in case someone here can also have any useful input~
Has anyone experienced any sudden death of their apparently very healthy discus?

I bought two very healthy discus yesterday from an offbeat petstore. My water parameters&temperature are perfect for discus and always constant, and I'm very frequent&thorough with all types of water testing and am confident in my established 3 year old heavily planted 55gal and it's stability- but for personal satisfaction I test the water daily. With perfect water conditions, both discus were healthy and eating bloodworms vigorously last night right from my hand&swimming around after a 50% water change. For the rest of the night, no problems.
The next morning, I turn on the light to find one discus recently dead, and the other hanging around at the top.
This action is not necessarily panting, but has his face and mouth trained upwards, almost boredly drifting and bobbing gently, which didn't cause me panic previously since they're new additions in an unfamiliar tank. I noticed both discus doing this last night after lights-out. The water parameters are the same as they were last night.

Because I bought both discus yesterday, is there a chance that it was simply too much a shock for one of them? Maybe they require an intensely long acclimation process? I figured after letting the bag warm up in the tank water for an hour, I'd introduce it little by little into the bag- but I might should have taken even longer on that, or tried a different technique. Perhaps he was older, or perhaps the same fate awaits the remaining discus.

Maybe there's something I'm missing? A parameter I need to keep the closest eye on aside pH? I'm experienced, but discus are new territory. Do they prefer temperatures even warmer than 86 moreso? Is it simply true that discus thrive best in an aquarium where there are very, very few other fish to none at all and almost 'can't' be kept in a varied-species tank? Or if this is possible, must the bioload be very small? They were in a community tank with a small group of clown loaches, 2 mollies, a few ghost catfish.

As a side note, the same day the discus were purchased, from the same store I also purchased a hillstream loach and several small clown loaches. The hillstream and a small clown loach were also found dead this morning; so obviously I feel this could perhaps have been a factor; I suppose no pet store is perfect. Deaths are a strange occurrence in this tank- I'm a crazy-obsessive fish-mommy so I haven't had a death in any of my tanks in forever- but honestly as an avid aquarist always looking to become more skilled, I'd really love some input on the discus death. Always sucks a lot to turn on your light and see 25 bucks laying dead on the substrate- no 14-day guarantee from Pet Wize.
We all realize part of the hobby is sometimes fish die without explanation, for a lot of reasons. It still doesn't stop you from wanting to know why! And how to fix it or stop it from happening again! With conditions even better than they were at the kinda poopy store I got them from, they were very happy in my tank, elated to be able to move. Discus appear to be incredibly fascinating and interactive, so any help on saving my little buddy would be appreciated. I'm a little wary that he's going to pass away simply because his buddy died- in anyone's experience are your discus happier single, or in a nice-sized group?

I probably won't attempt discus again in a community tank, unless I hear some success stories soon, haha. Or am able to fix the error I made, if I did. They're so beautiful, even if they are a lot of attentive work. And final quick questions- how do you get your discus? From a pet store, online, or a breeder? I suppose it's a good thing they're so expensive, since they're apparently their finicky reputation lives and dies with them. Going to do another wc in a bit here. I have no ideas and hope very much someone can help out. Thanks for your time guys!<3


AC Members
Jan 21, 2011
Loveland, Colorado
Real Name
Tabi Underwood
I dont know anything about the rest, but i know discus like groups around 5-6. Expensive, yes, but they'll be happy little fellers. But, reading through that sounds to me like the store you got them from is kinda bad


AC Members
Jun 24, 2008
Milford, NH
Were they juvenile or adult?

Mother Monster

AC Members
Oct 30, 2010
They seem to be older adults, they'd been in the store forever and many had that kinda worn, old-fish look. Quite large as well, so I haven't a clue as to how old they truly were, so the consideration of old-age crossed my mind. Also your icon kills me, SO cute!<3


AC Members
Jul 21, 2010
Freedom, NY
If everything you bought from the store died, I'd be worried about the store. I had a whole tank of discus do this one night. This was 12 years ago and I still don't know what happened. Did you check the nitrate levels? I know they like low pH...5.8-6.


AC Moderators
Dec 21, 2005
Spanaway, Wa.
Real Name
a couple things strike me...
all the fish from the same store perished..all other inhabitants ok?
can you test kH gH?

adult discus should be fine at 82-84 f

also keep in mind you added a 'few' new fish.. this may cause a mini spike in the tank..Discus are considered very sensitive to these small spikes.
but I would start to think there could be issues with the stock from the store you purchased them from.
what is the filtration in the tank?
I ask as recently in my 55 (I have 2 550 powerheads and an AC70 running in this tank) the AC70 stopped running(something hit the plug and knocked it loose from power strip)
I found my angels panting at the top of the tank in the morning..I restarted the ac 70 and ran an extra airline to the tank and all was well in 10-15 minutes.
This tank also has a ton of baby bn's...


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Were all the new fish in your same tank? Do you run CO2? I try to test KH & GH of bag water & new tank & match them as much as reasonable. I have quite soft water & some lfs add salt making the TDS (total dissloved solids) very different. That can lead to osmotc shock & death if not very slowly acclimated. Bacteria can also hit fast. Do you have a quarantine tank? You really should...

I'm relatively new to discus but would not buy them from a lfs. A breeder or quality importer is a better way to go, I got mine from a local hobbyist breeder. A group of 6 is a nice minimum but pushing the "10g/discus rule" in a 55g even without other fish. They are shoaling fish & can be aggressive to each other in small numbers or if breeding. Mine are still alone in a bare bottom tank after more than a year & a half but I have a couple potted plants. I quarantine new fish for at least 4 weeks usually 8 but I'm still scared to add any fish with my discus yet, they were a lot of work to raise from 2 inch juvies. Daily water changes & 5-6 feedings, the most work I've done in 30 years of fish keeping I think, LOL, but very nice fish.

Mother Monster

AC Members
Oct 30, 2010
Incidentally my quarantine tank is being used for another critter at the moment, I guess this is the point where I'm realizing I need multiples, haha. I didn't even think about testing the KH&GH of the water from the lfs. Everything I've brought home prior to the discus are pretty hardy so I never thought to test the properties of their water; and assuredly I underestimated the true sensitivity of the discus. I will make sure to do this from now on, seems like such a 'duh!' moment. Thanks! XD
Discus are difficult to find where I live, but not impossible I'm sure so I think I'll take everyone's unanimous advice and avoid the lfs D: Finding a local breeder would be awesome.
How big is your tank? They don't mind it too bare? Discus are 'recommended' for planted tanks but from what I've seen&heard recently they live in bare tanks their whole lives just fine. Aww! I bet they were adorable, too. The biggest satisfaction in fishkeeping for me anyway is all the hard work raising it from a teeny baby to the gorgeous adult you dreamt of. So I totally understand your fear LOL. How big are they now? &I'd say your discus probably aren't in a hurry to have other fish buddies, mine doesn't seem to enjoy the attention from my other fish [but perhaps will warm up to the curious loaches&mollies] and is sometimes slightly perturbed by busy action in the rest of the tank. Lazy tankmates'd probably be best, as you probably figured. Congrats on your successful discus parenthood, that's some inspiring work! I've only got 3 serious fishkeeping years under my belt being 22, but hearing out of 30 years of fishkeeping they're the most work- I definitely realize what I've gotten myself into! XD Thanks for all your info!

Mother Monster

AC Members
Oct 30, 2010
holy math! you lost an entire tank of discus? it must've cost a fortune? D: so sorry to hear that, how devastating. I definitely checked every level you can check, so bizarre. &yeah, i live in the booneys and the only pet store around is .. let's just say i wish i ran the place :\

Mother Monster

AC Members
Oct 30, 2010
I tested the gH&kH which tested perfectly, &everyone else is fine- the other discus even seems to be doing better, he's left the top to wander and hover in different areas. The water is about 84, but you're right, I definitely did add new fish&completely [derp moment] forgot about how utterly sensitive discus are. I thought I was being pretty careful, but having only had mostly hardy fish, I let a few key factors slip by that normally I don't worry about too much, if at all. Thanks! I definitely will keep in mind the possibility of an addition spike- that could very well be the answer, like a lot of awesome likely suggestions from people. I can't really know in the end what the answer is, I suppose. The petstore is pretty...eh.. but the only one in town :c I have an Aquatop CF-400uv with standard media atm. I love it, it's amazingly quiet. Glad you caught your tank when you did! I always have a bit of a freakout when I come home to no running filter, haha. gotta make sure everyone's alive~ thanks for your info!