New Clown Loaches

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AC Members
May 17, 2011
Purchased 4 clown loaches today... couldn't pass up the sale and have been wanting to start a clown loach tank for a while.

As they had just come into the store today, the owner strongly recommended quarantining them for 2 weeks before adding to my tank. I have them in a 10G right now with a couple caves for them and with 3 zebra danios as dither fish.

My regular tank is a 20G long, stocked with a school of 10 harlequin rasboras and a timid pictus catfish of about 4" that more often runs away from the rasboras than considers eating them (so that's not a problem). It has an aquaclear 30.

I'm planning on putting the clowns in the 20G long, and I know that's not enough space for them long-term. I'm just curious what the experts here think is too long to keep them in the 20. They are about 1.5-2" long at present. I'm hoping to keep them in the 20G long for about 6 months while I put aside some money / make space for either a 40G long or a 55.

Thoughts? Also, what does everyone feed their clowns? Right now I am giving them the Hikari frozen bloodworms and they are eating (yay!) but I want to vary their diet.

Thanks in advance all!


Staff member
Dec 30, 2005
Real Name
Mr. Normal
They are slow growers..your plan will work but you may not observe their complete normal behavior until you increase the group size and give them a 6 ft long tank.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I wouldn't keep them in the 20g for more than 2-3 months. At least a 4ft tank is needed to keep from stunting their growth, a 75g or 90g would be much better than a 55g but they eventually need a 6 x 2 x 2. You'll have a couple years, they grow fairly fast to 4 inches then slow down a bit. Keep an eye on Craigslist or Petco is having their $1/gal tank sale. But if a 4ft tank is your biggest option, smaller loaches would be much better than clowns. Kubotai, histrionica, striata, sids are better choices, yoyos are a bit big at 6 inches in a 55g but still better than potentially 12in clowns. I know the pretty clowns are hard to resist.

None of my loaches is fussy about foods; pellets, flake, tablets & some veggies like romaine & zucchini & several frozen types are what mine get on a rotating basis. Young fish like yours should be fed at least a couple times a day IF you can keep their water clean (under 20ppm nitrates is good).


AC Members
May 17, 2011
Thank you both.

The nitrates in the 20 long have been kept below 10 ppm... but once the loaches get in there, we'll see if I am able to maintain it below 20. I imagine it won't be a problem, I'm pretty good with water changes. I usually change 4 gallons twice a week in that tank.

I feed my otos zucchini so that will work for the clowns too. I'll put a piece in there later and see if they are interested.


AC Members
Sep 30, 2008
West Friendship, MD
A 40 or 55 will not be enough for that many clowns. Plus, the optimum group size is 6+. I have one that is 5 years old and he is about 6 inches in a 75 gallon. He has been kept in the 75 gallon his entire life. Initially, I bought 6 of them, but he is the only survivor. I had a huge die off several years ago (wrote a thread on here about it). Ultimately, I am planning on getting a 300 for the clown loaches and some discus, but I will have to check out their compatibility and water requirements. They might not go well together.


AC Members
May 17, 2011
Update, so far all is well in the new 20G long baby clown tank. They are eating well and I am rotating foods between shrimp pellets, algae wafers, zucchini, and frozen bloodworms.

One more question: Do I need to (or should I) get a powerhead for the tank for the clowns? Or will they be happy without it? They seem to be fairly happy and they aren't hiding much.

If so, could someone recommend a good and quiet one for the 20G long?
