Did I get lucky with breeding pair of Angels?

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AC Members
Mar 4, 2010
We got a pair of angels, and by random chance, it appears they are male and female. We've had them for around 6 months. Last week they laid eggs all over the filter. Yesterday, the eggs started to hatch (tails out) and the mom and dad dutifully moved them to a plant leaf. These are young Angels and this is is their first brood. But it looks like they are doing allright.

I removed 5 serpe tetras from the tank 2 days ago. The only thing left is 1 or 2 ghost shrimp and 5 or so peppered cories. So I think these fry will have a fighting chance!

I also turned off the BioWheel HOB filter. As of now the tank has no filtration. But it does have good water movement. I ordered a sponge filter good for 45g but it will not be here until tomorrow. Think the tank will be allright until then? I'm a little afraid to do a water change since this might stress them out a bit. I supposed I could do a gallon at a time.

BTW: It is a 27g Hex tank.


AC Members
Dec 5, 2010
East Lansing, MI USA
Large corys may eat wigglers when they settle on the bottom.
You need to do water changes. You do need to be careful, but you must do water changes until your sponge filter is loaded. Even then you don't want wastes building up on the bottom where the wigglers will wallow in it. In bare bottom grow out tanks breeders use airline tubing to avoid sucking fry up.