Species Tank

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AC Members
Aug 26, 2011
I am getting a 58 gallon tank and I am thinking of putting a group of angelfish. But I couldn't find any other fish that I was interested in. What other fish should I get?


Aug 4, 2011
Phoenix, AZ
I haven't kept angels myself, but as I understand, from a myriad of posts, once you get a pair, that's pretty much all she wrote as far as angels are concerned. Others really aren't tolerated. Maybe if the there is enough decor based division in the tank, another pair would be feasible, but I don't know. There are lots of other fish that are compatible with angels. I know this is going to sound worse than I intend, but try using the search function and check out some of the existing threads about angels and tank mates. There will be a lot of hits.

Good luck with finding some that tickle your fancy.


Fishlover Extraordinaire
Dec 11, 2009
Southeastern PA
Real Name
Mr. Palmer
Angels don't like each other when they pair up. Any extras will be bullied and killed, from my understanding. Angels are, after all, cichlids, a group of fish not known for being friendly. With a 58 gallon tank, first, is it long or tall?

Either way, you could just do the basic tropical community.

If long, a species tank that size with Scarlet Gem Badis would be quite the site, I'm sure. 4 fish per 10 gallons of water (with plenty of hiding places) and you could have 22 or so of them, or 11 pairs. They don't do well with other species though, very shy. I would stick with 12 or less (6 or 5 pairs) as they may not have the SA needed for territories in a 58gal tank.

If tall, you can do a pair of angels, a gouramis, and some corys. Maybe a smaller pleco (Bristlenose or Bull Dog I think). Plenty of plants/decor if you want to attempt more then 1 pair of angels.