10 Gallon Paludarium build

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AC Members
May 9, 2012
OK, so I've got an idea for my paludarium. However, I need your expertise opinion on how to go about building it. This is my (very) crude drawing.

paludarium setup.png The brown denotes the land area, blue denotes water, dotted black denotes waterfall/stream, and dotted blue denotes an underground water(cave). This isn't quite my exact design, but it gives an idea.. I want areas underground for the fish to swim in, to give them more water/room. What's the cheapest, yet stable & safe way of doing this? I don't care much about aesthetics.

There's not going to be a background, just glass, but I'll make sure to add plenty of things to climb on, I just don't want to waste time on looks.

What's a good substrate to use for the plants on the land? & What is a good substrate divider?

How would you guys build this? I'm new to this, and am open to all of your advice.

I also want an above-tank sump, to keep my heater & filtering out of the tank. How would you guys build that? I want it above ground because I do not want to drill into the aquarium, so I want one pump that pumps it up to the sump, and let gravity bring it back down into the tank, where I "drew" the waterfall. How would you set up this sump? What's the best, but inexpensive filter media to use?

Thanks in advance for your help,

paludarium setup.png


AC Members
May 9, 2012
OK, I believe I'm going to make pillars of some sort, to hold up the land. But what should the land sit on? Egg crate is way too expensive. Any alternatives?


AC Members
May 9, 2012
Can I use any type of plastic? Like sections of a milkcrate, and put landscaping fabric on it? Or plexiglass with drilled holes?