Help Fry Dead

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AC Members
Jul 18, 2010
My Angel fry were born 11-25-2012. I don't know why they are dying 35 were dead this morning. I transfered the fry from the parents tank when they were eggs on a plant. They went through the wiggler stage fine. I removed the plant and did a 50% water change and have done about a 20-30% change every day. I have checked the water stats and everything is fine, the temp is 80 degrees. I feed them decapsulated shrimp and egg yoke. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong.


AC Members
Dec 28, 2009
Are they ALL getting fed? Sometimes the smaller ones can't get to the food before the bigger ones snag it all. I have raised rice fish, and sometimes had to just about put the food right in front of them so they would eat. Are they crowded? Hopefully someone will have an answer for you.


AC Members
Dec 28, 2009
Then that is probably the problem. That was a lot of baby fish in that tank. Think about all the tiny amounts of waste each baby makes, plus all the uneaten food. Not sure how many you have left, but maybe try changing say 10% 3 times a day, instead of 30% once a day. I use a piece of airline hose to suck out the bottom of my breeder boxes I have hanging on my tanks. Also try feeding them micro worms. You can get cultures online at aquabid and other places. they are a great first food for tiny fish. Good luck with them.


AC Moderators
Dec 21, 2005
Spanaway, Wa.
Real Name
agree, small water changes to remove uneaten food and waste.
i always preferred bbs i had hatches running at all times


AC Members
Nov 13, 2009
Hikari First Bites. Little packet feeds a whole lot of fry (it doesn't take much, the stuff seems to be very concentrated in nutrition) and it's essentially a powder so nobody has any trouble getting it into their mouths. I would take a thin stick, or maybe a bamboo skewer, dunk an inch or so of it in water, dip that into the Hikari pouch and then swirl that around in the water. I did 2-4 times a day for litters of maybe a dozen livebearers, mollies or endlers or whatever. For angels you would maybe want to do it more often depending on how many you have left.

Congratulations anyway on getting fry. I never had any angels get past the parents-eating-the-eggs phase. :(


AC Members
Jul 18, 2010
Tghanks but now myPlatinum fry are all dieing I've done smaller water changes fed the live brine shrimp and I have 5 left.


AC Moderators
Dec 21, 2005
Spanaway, Wa.
Real Name
hard to say what is the problem.

could be any number of things.. from problems with the fry to water issues.

I've had complete spawn kick off and some time later nearly all survive doing exactly the same thing over.

could simply boil down to bad batch of fry
Apr 2, 2002
New York
It is almost a necessity to feed newly free swimming angels on live food. Their natural instinct is to go for it. I was usually able to ween mine off of live bbs fed 3-4 times a day starting about 10 days after I began feeding. You start by mixing 10-15% non live food with the live. Because of the eating frenzy that ensues, the fish grab for the non- live too. Each day you increase the % of non-live and reduce the % of live. My preference was frozen cyclop-eeze for the non-live but that is pretty pricey. Other high protein fry foods should work fine. It takes about 5 days to move them from all live to all prepared food.

You said you fed the brine shrimp. If you mean adult brine shrimp, they are way too large for angel fry, they need freshly hatched baby brine shrimp. You should be hatching these daily as after 24 hours most of the nutritional value for fry is gone. I used to run two jugs for hatching alternating between them to insure fresh hatches all the time.

It is also important to vacuum the tank after every feeding and especially before the fish sleep. While they may be swimming around by day, at night they go to the bottom. If you fail to vacuum regularly, the crud on the bottom can and will be fatal. They are not good in a 5.5 for more than a few days and you will need to move them to larger quarters. The nice thing about vacuuming up the uneaten food after each feeding as then you will be effectively starting a water change. And they do need clean water with no ammonia or nitrite and as little nitrate as possible.

Most angel breeders will tell you that for each pair of spawning angels one has one should have two 55 gal. grow out tanks. If you want to raise the maximum number of fry, that is what it takes considering they can spawn very 10-14 days.

I used to hatch out angels in a 2.5 gal tank and as soon as they went free swimming began the upgrade process.