New to fish less cycle.

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Feb 8, 2013
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Hello!,I just joined this site and it suggested that I make an introduction post. In the past I have TRIED to breed betas. I got them to spawn but never hatch.I realize now that I never cycled my tanks while breeding betas!Rookie mistake. :( I recently gained interested in the Dwarf Puffer because it is doesn't require huge tanks and doesn't grow over an inch. At my local fish store they said puffers are way harder than betas to breed but I was up for the challenge. I hit just about every website with Dwarf Puffer information and came to find out that they are very interesting fish. I was also surprised to find out that NUMEROUS people have bred this fish in captivity. People must think it is difficult because they get the Dwarf Puffer confused with the Figure 8 puffer, or Leopard puffer (which species is near impossible to breed in captivity and grows much larger than the Dwarf Puffer). Another thing about Dwarf Puffers is they thrive in 100% freshwater (another common misconception). My local pet store keeps them in brackish water with the other puffers I should probably tell them that that is not good for them. I am doing a fish-less cycle before I get my fish. It's been about 6 days and I think the ammonia has been dropping, but it has never got to even 1ppm. I started at 5 ppm but i noticed that it looked like there was too much ammonia so i did a slight water change ( about 2 gallons) Its about 4ppm now. I aded two more drops of ammonia so it is probably at 5 again. It smells like a fish tank now, i don't know if its the plants or the good bacteria i'm smelling though. It doesnt smell bad just organic lol. Hopefully my ammonia starts dropping here soon. I added API stress zyme plus in the beginning of the cycle as suggested by the fish store guy hopefully i didnt put too much, I put that stuff under a microscope, there was no "live" bacteria. I put water samples from my fishtank under the microscope too and there is no live bacteria, I wonder if I will see some after the tank cycles? I'm going to get some Java moss because thats what puffers like according to just about every website. Anyone here have Dwarf puffer Experience?


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Dec 30, 2005
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Mr. Normal
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AC Members
Jan 10, 2011
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Hello!,I just joined this site and it suggested that I make an introduction post. In the past I have TRIED to breed betas. I got them to spawn but never hatch.I realize now that I never cycled my tanks while breeding betas!Rookie mistake. :( I recently gained interested in the Dwarf Puffer because it is doesn't require huge tanks and doesn't grow over an inch. At my local fish store they said puffers are way harder than betas to breed but I was up for the challenge. I hit just about every website with Dwarf Puffer information and came to find out that they are very interesting fish. I was also surprised to find out that NUMEROUS people have bred this fish in captivity. People must think it is difficult because they get the Dwarf Puffer confused with the Figure 8 puffer, or Leopard puffer (which species is near impossible to breed in captivity and grows much larger than the Dwarf Puffer). Another thing about Dwarf Puffers is they thrive in 100% freshwater (another common misconception). My local pet store keeps them in brackish water with the other puffers I should probably tell them that that is not good for them. I am doing a fish-less cycle before I get my fish. It's been about 6 days and I think the ammonia has been dropping, but it has never got to even 1ppm. I started at 5 ppm but i noticed that it looked like there was too much ammonia so i did a slight water change ( about 2 gallons) Its about 4ppm now. I aded two more drops of ammonia so it is probably at 5 again. It smells like a fish tank now, i don't know if its the plants or the good bacteria i'm smelling though. It doesnt smell bad just organic lol. Hopefully my ammonia starts dropping here soon. I added API stress zyme plus in the beginning of the cycle as suggested by the fish store guy hopefully i didnt put too much, I put that stuff under a microscope, there was no "live" bacteria. I put water samples from my fishtank under the microscope too and there is no live bacteria, I wonder if I will see some after the tank cycles? I'm going to get some Java moss because thats what puffers like according to just about every website. Anyone here have Dwarf puffer Experience?
Welcome to AC. It seems like you are off to a great start. Try to be patient with your cycle, it can take about 4-6 weeks sometimes. Also the beneficial bacteria that you are looking for colonize mostly on the surfaces of the tank. There is very little that remains suspended in the water column. You would be better off if you asked the LFS for some of their filter media or gravel to seed your tank with. Also, many of the bottled "live bacteria" is thought to not have much affect if any on a cycle. I believe the most reputable one that has actually shown results is currently tetra safe start.


AC Members
Feb 8, 2013
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Welcome to AC. It seems like you are off to a great start. Try to be patient with your cycle, it can take about 4-6 weeks sometimes. Also the beneficial bacteria that you are looking for colonize mostly on the surfaces of the tank. There is very little that remains suspended in the water column. You would be better off if you asked the LFS for some of their filter media or gravel to seed your tank with. Also, many of the bottled "live bacteria" is thought to not have much affect if any on a cycle. I believe the most reputable one that has actually shown results is currently tetra safe start.
Thanks for the info , I will ask my local fish store for some filter media. I noticed there is slime building up on the an tank walls. Is this the good bacteria? air-tubes