110g Discus Tank

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AC Members
Jan 20, 2011
I have a community tank. (I know "community" ruffles the discus buffs) There are several discus, lemon tetras, roselines, pair of rams, and some folks in the bottom. (cory's, Cl's, and BN plec's) I am doing 40% WC's every 3 days. Feeding my own made Beefheart mix, hans flakes, bworms, blackworms, tetra colorbits, and NLS thera. Temp is at 84' using a titanium heater and controller. They eat like absolute pigs. They require being fed 4 to 5 times a day. I have an eheim auto feeder for when I'm at work.

They are unlike any other fish I've kept, and I've attempted to keep them all at one point. They are very personable and social in the tank. Creating their own social structure. This tank has been up for about 7 years and has had the discus in it for about 2 months or so. I heard I have to keep a bare bottom tank, no tankmates, etc. However, I like my set up and most of all I am confident the residents do as well.

I am new to discus and am reading and learning a ton. However, it doesn't compare to experience. I am always open to ideas and suggestions.


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AC Moderators
Dec 21, 2005
Spanaway, Wa.
Real Name
Discus can be kept with some species with no big issues.
generally it is Adults that are kept in display tanks. Ramirezi (blue rams) tend to make good tank mates as they usually require similar conditions.
when selecting tank mates it is usually a good idea to find tank mates suited for the same conditions as Discus(high temp, acidic water etc
Young Discus are another story.. they require lots of food which equals lots of waste. they are usually kept in bare bottom tanks for that reason.. it is much easier to clean a bare bottom tank and it is much easier for them to find food in a bare bottom tank.

discus are foragers.. they tend to feed slowly pecking at the bottom of that tank and will sift thru detritus looking for tid bits.

btw, I have a 110x currently housing Marine fish that will be converted to a discus display tank when the current residents eventually get phased out.


AC Members
Jan 20, 2011
Discus can be kept with some species with no big issues.
generally it is Adults that are kept in display tanks. Ramirezi (blue rams) tend to make good tank mates as they usually require similar conditions.
when selecting tank mates it is usually a good idea to find tank mates suited for the same conditions as Discus(high temp, acidic water etc
Young Discus are another story.. they require lots of food which equals lots of waste. they are usually kept in bare bottom tanks for that reason.. it is much easier to clean a bare bottom tank and it is much easier for them to find food in a bare bottom tank.

discus are foragers.. they tend to feed slowly pecking at the bottom of that tank and will sift thru detritus looking for tid bits.

btw, I have a 110x currently housing Marine fish that will be converted to a discus display tank when the current residents eventually get phased out.
Most of the residents other then the CL's are common to the parameters. The discus are eating from my hand when I add BH mix and eat so so much. Are you going to BB your 110g?


AC Members
Feb 5, 2014
Very impressive setup! I would love to know the water parameters you keep, just for future reference. Have always wanted a discus tank, never had the money or the time before- someday though!


AC Moderators
Dec 21, 2005
Spanaway, Wa.
Real Name
Most of the residents other then the CL's are common to the parameters. The discus are eating from my hand when I add BH mix and eat so so much. Are you going to BB your 110g?
no, the tank will be a biotope tank with a thin sand layer and plenty of driftwood.the Discus will be Adults
I have separate grow outs for raising discus...I am trying to get a pair.. looks like I have some VR's that are trying to pair up ..those will eventually go t o a 40 breeder bare bottom with some potted plants.

I currrently have some alenquers growing out which will be added to my tank with VR's.
The VR's were from Kenny/forrest I got them at 2" last march .

I'd post pictures but my camera skill are 'lacking' to say the least.. lol


AC Members
May 16, 2006
Real Name
nice display!!