Help me with this stocklist

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AC Members
Jun 26, 2010
Staten Island, New York
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Hi guys,

I have a 20 gallon high tank. Would this new stock list work?

6 black neon tetras
6 rummy nose tetra
5 panda corydoras (going to give them another try, wish me luck)
1 Dwarf gourami or 1 Curviceps (if my current male betta Cosmo doesn't get along with the other fish on this list--he would go to his own 10 gallon tank)
2 nerite snails

What you guys think of this arrangement?


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AC Members
May 11, 2013
I agree with Jpappy on the tetras. Both Blk Neons and Rummy Nose are in the moderate size range and maybe going with something a bit smaller would help in the long run. The bottom line is keeping up on water changes and good filtration determines just what you can get away with in a 20H. I use mostly 20L as they are much more versatile than 20H tanks.

Also, a pair of pigmy gourami would also work nicely.


AC Members
Jun 26, 2010
Staten Island, New York
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Looks good to me from a compatibility stand point, although 12 total tetras would be a bit much IMO for this footprint. I'd probably cut that down myself, but it might still work.
Is it because of the greater activity of the rummy nose tetras?
Looks good to me. I kept black neons and rummies together for a couple of years and they were a great combo!
I do like this combo too! Did you have them in a larger tank or a small tank?
I agree with Jpappy on the tetras. Both Blk Neons and Rummy Nose are in the moderate size range and maybe going with something a bit smaller would help in the long run. The bottom line is keeping up on water changes and good filtration determines just what you can get away with in a 20H. I use mostly 20L as they are much more versatile than 20H tanks.

Also, a pair of pigmy gourami would also work nicely.
The thing is that I haven't had any luck on my favorite tetra, the cardinal tetra! Even though I loved them when I had them!

I have an AquaClear 50 and do 50% weekly water changes. Which pygmy gourami you are talking about?

Thank you,

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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Yeah, I vote only 8-10 of 1 tetra species...& curviceps is a bit big for a 20 high. You might get away with a pair of honey gouramis (smaller than dwarfs) & 8 of 1 tetra sp. Good luck with the pandas, they seem a bit over-bred these days...what temp are you thinking? Cardinals need a bit higher than panda corys are happy with long term (look for oipoquensis corys, similar to pandas but better at higher temps). Black tetras are pretty adaptable but rummies are ok with higher temps...It's always hard to pick the optimal species vs the prettiest. If I were you, I might go for a pair of honey gouramis, 8 (or so) cardinals if that's your best tetra choice (go for them!) & 6 of the higher temp compatible corys (sterbai, cute! or oipoqs, extremely cute!, if you can find them...there's someone the east coast who breeds them, or used to...). You are wise to give your tank some thought BEFORE you try them together. Go Patty!


AC Members
Feb 4, 2013
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Hey Patty! Glad to see your thinking this out before setting it up. Take a look at some T. Espei. I have some, and by far an amazing species. Also, they were amazing schoolers when I had my apistogrammas. They could be a good and small alternative to neons, rummynose, or cardinals.

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