Water change question for goldfish

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Registered Member
Nov 30, 2012
I have a 29 gallon freshwater aquarium (Aqueon) with 2 goldfish. One is gray, about 3 in. long and the other is gold and about 4 in. long. I have a "Quiet Flow" filter system that came with the aquarium. I change the filter every 4 weeks and do a 25% water change every week. I have 3 small live plants in the aquarium. The fish seem fine, but I just wanted to know does that sound about right for the number of fish? I'm hesitant to add more fish. Two is enough to enjoy looking at, and they seem happy. Any advice on number of fish and the water change schedule?


AC Members
Mar 14, 2015
It sounds like both your goldfish are fancy? Then you should not be adding any more goldfish to your tank as that is what they will need once they grow to adult size. If you keep them happy and healthy they will reach maybe 7 or 8 inches long. For a single common goldfish (the non-fancy variety) I am afraid your tank is too small. It would be ok to keep it in 29 gallons, but they like to swim a lot and would be happier in a 4 foot long tank. The common goldfish will grow even bigger than the fancy ones.

The absolutely worst you can do for your goldfish is to keep them in the cliché bowl - most will die before even reaching adulthood. So you are doing great keeping your goldfish in a big enough tank.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Jan 11, 2013
West Falls NY
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Matt, welcome!

I keep two goldfish in a 29 as well. A red fantail fancy and a comet. There's nothing wrong with Aqueon Quiet Flow filters, but IMO, they don't offer enough bio filtration with just that plastic grid. I'd try to just rinse and reuse your filter pads (in a bucket of tank water) until they fall apart. In the meantime, I'd add some more filtration to your tank. Another hang on back, or a simple sponge bubbler filter.

On my 29, I've got an AquaClear 70 with some extra sponge and bio media in it, and a large sponge bubbler filter.

Keep your water temps cooler (no heater) and feed lightly with a variety of quality food to keep your goldfishes' metabolism slower and to slow their growth rate.

FWIW, my comet is over a year old and is about 3-4" long and the fancy is about a year and maybe 2-3" long. I do weekly 50% water changes and nitrates barely read ~5ppm on day 7.