Worried - fish darting around?

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AC Members
Apr 6, 2005
I'm quite worried about my fish.
I have some Neons, some Rummy Noses and some Copper Harlequins. Today I noticed that the Neon's have what appears to be ich and all the fish are displaying strange behaviour. The tank is new, but was fishless cycled. The fish seem to be spending the whole time darting around frantically, from side to side and up and down the glass - I have tried to research this behaviour and the only thing that I can find is that perhaps the Ph is to high - my Ph is around 7.5. I was aware that this was on the high side but was advised on this forum that it would be okay and was better to leave it as it was rather than messing around with it and trying to lower it and to maintain that lower Ph.
When I got the fish I tested the water that they were in (the water in the bag) and the Ph was nearer to 6, so I spent a long time gradually taking the bag water out and replacing it with the water from the tank and slowly bringing the Ph up to the same as in my tank.
Is this darting around likely to be just the fish getting used to the new conditions and will they settle down after a few more days or do I need to take some action.
Also I have gradually added some salt to the water today to try and combat the ich and don't know if that has contirbuted to the fish's behaviour?
Any advise will be gratefully received. I thought this fish keeping business was supposed to be a stress reliever - I'm more stressed than ever now that I am ill treating my new little friends.


AC Members
Mar 22, 2005
Moose Jaw , Sask, Canada
It sounds like you did everything right. When I added my neons, they were not comfortable for about 4 days to a week, so I do not think that behaviur is abnormal. The Ich is probably due to the stress of the move. Do the neons outnumber the other residents of the tank? This can relieve stress to the sometimes fragile neon. Sounds like you are doing everything right, including adding salt. If you do decide to raise the temperature (this can help with ich treatment) do it VERY slowly so as not to stress the fish more. Hopefully things will looks better in a few days. Good news is that ich caught early is very treatable. I know what you meant about stress in the beginning, I felt the same way, sometime losing sleep over my fish!! It does get better though, and it can be a stress reliever. I even have a 10 gallon in my bedroom to help me sleep.
How long have the neons been in the tank?? Were all the fish added together, or slowly?? You are right not to mess with PH, is is hardly worth it. Best to find fish that can readliy adapt, as most can.
Good luck. Let us know how things are turning out.


AC Members
Apr 6, 2005
I added the Neons and the Rummy Noses after the tank ws cycled and left them for a week and then added the Copper Harlequins - I noticed that the Neons and the R N's were swimming up into the current put out by the filter and then after adding the Harlequins today they all seem nuts, just swimming about like they are possessed.


This is as good as it gets.
ich is not the end of the world altho it may appear so for a time. The salt and heat method worked best for me and all I lost were the tetra's that came with it. My fish all pulled thru. Goodluck.
It may be the new additions that have the tank in an uproar. Lower the lights and leave them in quiet for a day or 2, may help to settl them.