Oscar Newbie!

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AC Members
Dec 2, 2002
San Francisco
I've had a pair of baby Oscars for about a month and a half now. They're both Longtailed Tiger Oscars. I believe they're paired up now. Arkady is the larger of the two, and he is obviously a Longtail, his tail is so long it makes my female look like she's a normal Oscar. Creed is the female and is slightly smaller and lighter in scale colour. Neither one of them have any colouration. Arkady is like a dark brown, almost black. While Creed is a lighter shade of brown. I can see a slight design of where they would be red, once their colours start to show. As babies, I've been feeding them medium size cichlid pellets, the colour enhancing type. But they've stayed the same dull colour. Once in a while, I'd buy them like 60+ goldfish in one day, and just dump them in, to have a feeding frenzy. I kept the tank clear from clutter, I took out all my decorations from my previous fish, but I threw in an artificial plant, and a castle for the feederfish to hide in, to enlongate their existance. But still, the Oscars will eat them all within 2 to 3 days. I noticed when they had a lack of cichlid pellets, that's when their colours would start to show, a lil bit. I know I'm a horrible, horrible person for this, but right now they're only in a 20 gallon tank with a heater, auqa clear filter, and a long bar-type oxygenizer thingy-ma-jiggy for air. Besides that, I only threw in that dechlor to take out the tap-water stuff, and I keep them at about 80-82 degrees. I'm planning on getting a corner 55 gallon pentagon shaped tank sometime this month. When my babies were only 4 inches, I had thrown in a Tinfoil Barb and a Clown Knifefish. They both turned into expensive feeder fish, considering they ate the Knife within the hour, and Creed finally caught up to, and ate the Barb the very next day. Not to mention, I started off with 3 Oscars, but Arkady killed his brother once they hit 5 inches. That's what led me to believe Arkady and Creed are paired up now, plus the fact that they're extremely agressive for Long-tails. Right now, my fishies are about 6 inches each. I'm asking anyone for suggestions, like the actual perfect size tank for 2 Long-tail Oscars, and what else should I do to the tank I have now, and my future one, in order to ensure their health and Longevity?


30 FW, 6 SW, 2.5 SW
Dec 3, 2002
Des Moines, IA
how big is hte tank??? and don't let them gorge themselves on golfish any more.They may eat so much that they might die.( It happeed ot me once)


AC Members
Dec 2, 2002
San Francisco
20 Gallons

Like I said, I' a horrible person for this, but they're only in a 20 gallon tank right now. I was supposed to buy a 50+ gallon like last month, but haven't gotten around to it yet. Yeah, I decided to not get feeder fish for a while, but the main reason I threw them all in was 'cuz they were dying in their lil bucket form lack of oxygen. Once I get the bigger tank, I'm keeping the lil feeder fish in this 20 gallon, and only feed them one or two everynight. And in the mornings I'll fed them pellets. I'm thinking that they need large pellets now, 'cuz they eat those medium sized cichlid pellets by the handfull. My fish are extremely beautiful, 'cept for the fact that their colours haven't bloomed yet. I know several changes I might do to the tank when I upgrade. Right now I use gravel, but I'm switching over to sand, and I heard a lil salt in the water prevents infections. I may even ad in a single living plant, but I've had bad luck with live plants in the past due to the fact that I don't have a euro-light. But with my new tank, I'll deffinantly buy a better light, to not only let the plant flourish, but to help bring out my babies' colours. Recently my girlfriend says she see them mouthing eachother. I don't know if Arkady's getting a bit agressive towards Creed, or vice-versa, or if that's just normal. Like I said, I'm new to this "major league" fish keeping. Oh yeah, my fish are afraid of me right now, they hide behind the artificial plant I have when I approach the tank with my camera, and they're always swimming together when I'm far away, form the looks of it Arkady is always protecting Creed, but form what I don't know. The heater, filter, and oxygenizer are all on one side of the tank, and the plant is on the other side. When they're not out exploring their lil kingdom, they're always behind the plant, most likely hiding form the currents in the water... hopefully they found a good place to have babies if at all. I'll take any suggestions into consideration, I just want my babies to live a long life.


30 FW, 6 SW, 2.5 SW
Dec 3, 2002
Des Moines, IA
Noone knows what the mouthing means, it most likly is a dominace thing or it may be a breeding thing. I 50 gallon isn't gonna cut in when your oscars get full grown. 2 need atleast a 75 gallon. Good idea keeping hte golfish in the 20 gallon. I do that for my oscars too.


AC Members
Sep 2, 1998
Dallas, PA
For long term health I would reccomend you stop giving them feeder goldfish. Feeders are bad news. They can easily carry nasty parasotes that will infect your fish. Dumping 60 in a tank is just crazy. Also, Oscars are very messy eaters. That kind of mess will put a big strain on the bio-load of the tank. You are really taking a chance given all of the diseases this particular fish is prone.

Oscars will go through a color change as they grow older. The Veiled Oscar I had started off a rather pale and ended up extremely colorful. Don't focus too much on the color and concentrate on the overall health of the fish. Otherwise you are putting the cart before the horse. Healthy fish will be vibrant in color.

Pass on the Octagon shaped tank and get one size bigger...a 75 would be a minimum for the two fish...a little bigger if you can swing it. The octagon doesn't provide a big enough "footprint" for the fish. This means that even though the Octagon holds 55 gallons of water it is higher and therefore gives less tankspace for them to move around. (hope that was explained properly).

Finally you keep referring to "he" and "she". There is no way to determine sex of Oscars unless they are vented or mating.

Here's a picture of mine: Albino Veiled Tiger Oscar
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30 FW, 6 SW, 2.5 SW
Dec 3, 2002
Des Moines, IA
That oscar is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! What do you feed it?? I feed mine Tetra Chichlid Pellets. and I agree with you about the feeder fish.


AC Members
Dec 2, 2002
San Francisco
Thank you

I was hoping you'd respond, considering a lot of people refer to you as the expert. I wasn't going to get an octagon tank, I know that'll never work out. I was getting a pentagon tank, which fits in a corner. Imagine Superman's \S/ symbol [or the home plate on a baseball field], it's exactly like that in shape, and it seems big enough for the two swim around... I would gladly get a 100 gallon tank, and my friend is even offering me a nice 200 gallon tank for very cheap... it's long and tall, but it's a lil bit shallow. The reason I was resting back on that corner 55 gallon was 'cuz I'm keeping my tank at my mother's house, and she is living in an "in-laws" room right now. She and my girlfriend are roommates, and for now I can only get a tank with a certain length and depth. If I can find a tall and deep 75 gallon tank, it'll be perfect, but most tanks run in length, and I haven't got the room just yet. The guy who I bought the Oscars from told me the same thing about the feeder fish. But surprisingly, there is no mess at all from when they eat the fish, they swallow them whole. What would you recommend? Sand or Gravel? Should I put some salt in the tank to prevent any kind of infection in case they do fight or from the goldfish? 'Cuz I do know goldfish do give off a lot of acids that can kill other fish.


I had to edit my post, just to comment on your fish. I replied before I took a glimpse upon your Oscar. OMG, I almost wet my pants... you have the exact fish I've always dreamt about. I love your fish, absolutely beautiful.
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AC Members
Sep 2, 1998
Dallas, PA
I have recently started using no substrate whatsoever. But if I had to pick one I would say gravel. Use it sparingly. If you are not too hung up on the looks...go commando and pass all together. I have heard that sand can hold "bio-nasty's" more readily than gravel. No personal experience with it...just what I have heard.

I do use salt in my tanks. Again, mixed reviews and opinions on if you should or shouldn't. It works for me.

Grab that 200 gallon if you can. That would be an excellent tank. I know the shape of the tank you are referring. Pass.

Even if you don't see the mess remember that a "high protein" diet will result in more waste produced by the fish. You won't see it..but you won't see ammonia in your tnak either.

Next time, don't wait for me to respond to a post. if you have a question I can help you with, PM me or send an e-mail. I will do whatever I can to help.

Good luck.