new salt setup

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AC Members
Mar 17, 2012
hey guys im new to AC i have a MFK account but it seems like there are more saltwater people over here but anyways i just got my first saltwater tank setup a few days ago and figured i would post some pictures up im cycling the tank right now with the green chromis and after my tank is cycled i will be giving them to a friend but yeah i also have one question i really want a CUC but im not sure if i can have anything like that in the tank while it is cycling if there are any if you could let me know that would be great. also im getting more live rock next week sometime just so you know haha if you guys want more pictures or have any questions then just ask let me know what you guys think thanks



AC Members
Jan 22, 2011
Mooresville NC
Real Name
Chris Petrosky
Welcome:) there's not too many salty guys on this site but I'm one of them:)

I would wait on the CUC till a few days (at least) after you get the rest of your rock. Then try adding a hermit or two and see how it goes. The secret to salt is patience! Don't rush anything and you will do fine.

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AC Members
Mar 17, 2012
Welcome:) there's not too many salty guys on this site but I'm one of them:)

I would wait on the CUC till a few days (at least) after you get the rest of your rock. Then try adding a hermit or two and see how it goes. The secret to salt is patience! Don't rush anything and you will do fine.

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Okay so ill wait until I get the rest of my rock then get some hermits any other cuc I can get and yeah I'm loving it already I've always been a freshwater guy but got this tank for free so figured what the hell I think I want to go with a reef tank once I get the tank all cycled and established but who knows I might change my mind but I love reef tanks I just need different lights I think

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AC Members
Mar 15, 2012
Columbus, IN USA
Real Name
Kenneth Sanchez
So I can add a cuc after how long? I I've been cycling since February 24th.

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AC Moderators
May 13, 2009
Tallahassee, FL
Real Name
Granted hermits and snails are cheap but neither can tolerate any ammonia or elevated nitrites. Really high nitrates can kill them as well. You can't judge a cycled tank based on time alone, just too many factors at play. The only way to know is to test your water for ammonia, trites and trates. Not flaming you but those chromis are unnecessarily suffering by using them to cycle. A peeled table shrimp from your grocery store would have done the same thing. Heck sometimes the shrimp isn't even needed if the live rock you buy has enough die off on it. Ammonia is toxic and it burns gills.


AC Members
Mar 17, 2012
Granted hermits and snails are cheap but neither can tolerate any ammonia or elevated nitrites. Really high nitrates can kill them as well. You can't judge a cycled tank based on time alone, just too many factors at play. The only way to know is to test your water for ammonia, trites and trates. Not flaming you but those chromis are unnecessarily suffering by using them to cycle. A peeled table shrimp from your grocery store would have done the same thing. Heck sometimes the shrimp isn't even needed if the live rock you buy has enough die off on it. Ammonia is toxic and it burns gills.
Yeah I understand where you are coming from I did a test today and read 0 ammonia 0 nitrites and 20 nitrates what does this mean?

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AC Moderators
May 13, 2009
Tallahassee, FL
Real Name
You'll need more than one test to confirm where you are in the cycle but those numbers, along with the fact that your tank was just setup a few days ago, would suggest you either bought pre-cured rock or things are just getting started. I would defer to the later until you get multiple tests to compare. Your rock is fairly white suggesting it isn't fully cured but will admit color alone shouldn't be the basis for judging a rock's status. Where did you get the rock from? Looks like nice rock. Welcome to AC and the salty side BTW!!!!


AC Members
Mar 17, 2012
You'll need more than one test to confirm where you are in the cycle but those numbers, along with the fact that your tank was just setup a few days ago, would suggest you either bought pre-cured rock or things are just getting started. I would defer to the later until you get multiple tests to compare. Your rock is fairly white suggesting it isn't fully cured but will admit color alone shouldn't be the basis for judging a rock's status. Where did you get the rock from? Looks like nice rock. Welcome to AC and the salty side BTW!!!!
Okay yeah I'm not going to base it all off that one test I will keep testing for a while and I got it from a lfs for 30 bucks I'm gunna go back after the 1st and get 30 more dollars worth and yeah I am really liking the salty side I found a feather duster yesterday in the rock I'm pretty happy about that and I'm seeing more and more purple growth on the rock everyday I can't wait until I get my clean up crew and other fish and eventually I would like to get better lighting and keep some corals I will definitely come here for advice thanks

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