peacock cichlid

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  1. B

    Opaline Gourami and Cichlid

    I have a 3 inch opaline gourami and a neon swordtail. The gourami did not like the Tetra or gold algae eater I had before. I wanted to add a ram cichlid to my tank because it feels empty with only two fish but the ones at the store had ick. Thoughts on how to make my gourami and a peacock...
  2. K

    First cichlid tank suggestions

    Hey all, this is my first post here. Sorry ahead of time if it's a lot at once :eek: I'm thinking of setting up a 75 gallon with an assortment of peacock cichlids and wanted some help setting it up! It'd be a standard 75 gallon tank, and for filtration I'm going to build a sump and refugium so I...