fluorescent freshwater

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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
LOL, you're using words I don't know to describe your decor. I have no idea labradorite (Canadian dog stone is my best guess, lol) or moonstone or the crystal may be. Your plants are so tiny as to have almost no effect but IMO all plants are good!

Can you test your tap water after it sits out for 24 hours please.

My best guess is there was a bacteria or algae bloom that showed in blacklight. I dunno, either can have tiny "bits" that black light may show. I was too young for the full hippie black light poster thing, before my fish keeping days.

Yes, your test strips are showing pretty consistant #s...but I thought 6 in 1 measured ammonia not chlorine...Is yours a new kind? It's been 10 years since I did those strips, I may not remember correctly...but...I'm having doubts...I always felt fairly confident that the strips results were very close to the "preferred" API liquid tests...Many will not agree with me...

I've never tested my water for chlorine...
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AC Members
Mar 29, 2023
Labradorite is the actual name of the stone, one of 3 (moonstone and sunstone are the other two, they are in the feldspar family) that I know of that creates that flash of color which is called a schiller and I know I misspelled that earlier. Lol I figured I'd include it in case anyone was curious. Stones and plants have always been my thing and I like to pass on knowledge if I can. ;)The tap water has been set out for the strip test tomorrow. The water only glowed when I added the wood/bark, when I get a piece of cholla wood I'll test the light on the water that it soaks in and see if it does the same, if it does we'll know for sure if it has something to do with the tannins or not. There was no algae in the tank at that point (tank was just starting to cycle when I added the bark) and the water that glowed only did so after I had added the bark. The pot that had different types of wood in it glowed, and after that water got changed (after I took the bark out and boiled the other pieces again in clean tap water) that water still glowed as did the pot that I transferred the bark to. (all water only glowed under blacklight not on its own) As to the test strips being a new variety, I have no clue. I bought them at Petco along with a pair of 'moss balls' that are literally moss tied to a heavy ball. As you can tell I wasn't impressed. Lol Although they are starting to look a very tiny bit greener. I had honestly thought they were goners. I'm hoping to get more plants soon. I split some of the plants in the bait tank (anubais of some sort I think), and am currently quarantining those due to my guys bait tank being infested with what I dubbed 'herpes'(bladder snails). The wait is killing me already! The split pieces are already 3-4" tall when I split them. The bait tank was suppose to be my guys "baby" so it gets a bit neglected as I refuse to clean it (I'm a short person with short arms and end up pit deep when I mess with it). Although I do at least make sure they're fed and don't have any 'floaters'. That tank has an awesome bio-filter with the cylinder media and all the fishies seem content, with the exception of one minnow that thought my elbow was food.😜 I think he was just mad I was stealing his plants.