Green Terrors spawned in my main tank, ISO Advice

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Registered Member
Apr 9, 2023
I've had a group of 3 GTs I've raised from just juveniles, and two of them decided to pair up in my main tank. I noticed eggs two days ago and they are already hatching tonight. Including pictures of the make-shift solutions I've implemented.
Barrier of filter media wedged with decorations and a twist-tie at the top.
I also cut a couple small pieces off when I realized my filter uptake is near the sand on the side they are on, covered it in the media and wrapped with rubber bands. My main question right now is, how long will it be before I can remove them from the tank? I was considering setting them up in a 5 gallon bucket with some kind of air stone or air pump if they make it that far. Also, how long until I need to be feeding them? If anyone has links to any good resources to read, I would be very grateful for the assistance!

On a side note: Dad has not been helping with the eggs, but I think Mom may have bullied him into leaving. Unsure if this is of any importance, but maybe worth mentioning.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I've never bred GTs but many CA cichlids behave in a similar breeding way. If this is their first spawn you will have many more times to get it right. Males often are only interested in egg/fry care for a short time, maybe 2+ weeks at most? Females stick it out a bit longer & will drive off the male if he eats eggs or fry. If you can remove him might be good...

That said, many CA/SA cichlids can breed every 4 weeks or more! You do NOT want all those to survive. I know that's harsh. But I've been there. It's almost impossible to find a place to sell/or even give them away after a few times...& we drove for an hour +, clubs included. Many LFS have a minimum size they'll take fry to sell. We ran out of takers for any fry at any size.

Cichlid breeding is very interesting! But be careful. Do you/will you have fish that will eat all or most those fry? Do it a few times then have a rethink. As they get used to breeding, more fry may survive...& then what? We were very unhappy when lfs said to separate the sexes but they were right...Sorry to be a buzz kill, I'm a realist.