Update on sick fishy (FB)

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AC Members
Oct 10, 2006
Tulsa, OK
Rather than dragging out the tank care thread further, here is the latest on my Red Cap Oranda, Fat Boy.

He had developed some Popeye and a "zit" about 10 days ago, and I started anti-bacterial food. When I woke up the morning of 4th of July, he was mostly pineconed, and not too happy. I dosed the tank with Maracyn2, and started sending out SOS in the chat room and some PM's...mostly regarding euthanizing. Several of you responded to me the chat room and PM's I sent out, for which I am extremely grateful

I prepared for the euthanasia, but decided to give him a few more days of the Maracyn2, and a bit of epsom salts. He's responded to the extent that yesterday he was no longer mostly laying on his side, this morning the "zit" had popped, and he he was diving for food once in awhile.

This afternoon I located a vet about 8 miles from me who has goldfish listed as one of his practice areas, and had me bring Fat Boy over. He took a biopsy on the pustule, which I suppose is the more medically correct term for "zit" , and it cultured for bacteria "aeromonas". Since I'm still a <noob>,
sharing this info for other <noobs>. According to Dr. Fish, aermonas is the bacteria that causes "pinecone disease". I will take his word on that, I would guess there are other bacteria that cause it too. No signs of parasites, internal or external, or fungus.

After getting his weight, a whopping 20 grams, he gave him an injection of of antibiotic Amikaycin, I'll check for sure on the spelliing. Dr. Fish said he should respond fairly well, and fairly quickly if he's going to respond at all. If so, he will get another on Tuesday and Friday if things are still going okay. Dr. Fish also showed me how to give the injection, but I don't think I am steady enough to do them.

I did learn that for tranporting him, go for deeper and round on the Tupperware. I opted for a shoebox style and lost a lot of water going
around corners.

Anyway, I am XXXX'ing fingers things go well, even though everyone and Dr. Fish have told me most of time the outcome is not a good one. At least I will know I gave him every fighting chance to overcome the odds and a fishy mom who wasn't the brightest bulb in the lamp.


AC Members
Oct 10, 2006
Tulsa, OK
Still swimming, not floating upside down. The most immediate response has been been an improvement in alertness, activity, and the condition of his eyes.


Senior Member? Do I get a 5% disc.?
Hopefully, he'll respond well to the shots and make a full recovery. Mention KoiVet.com to your fish doc in case he doesn't know about it already... where he can review and consult with other Fish Vets for information.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2007
Awe hopefully he makes it! :goldfish:
Luckily for you you have a vet near you who cares for goldfish. Best of luck with him!!!


AC Members
Oct 10, 2006
Tulsa, OK
Awe hopefully he makes it! :goldfish:
Luckily for you you have a vet near you who cares for goldfish. Best of luck with him!!!
Oklahoma is one of those places where fish are meant to be fried and chowed down on. I have endured a lot of grief from friends and co-workers for spending $121 in veterinary care for Fat Boy. Most of that was the "new patient workup", and cytology to culture the ZIT.

The vet seems to know his stuff, but i have to admit to wondering....
besides dogs, cats and goldfishies, he also treats (to name a few)

Bats, rats, snakes and OMG !!!! :eek3:

ps: Fat Boy gets his 2nd shot later today. He still looks like a ping-pong ball with flippers, but lots of the inflammation is gone, and he is playing around in the bubbles from his airstone.