Well since Anemones seem to be the topic...how bout some Anemone soup

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Only Wears Diamonds...
Jan 31, 2008
Oakville, CT
First let me start by saying even though I am a chef I would NEVER REALLY make this recipe...

Equipment needed:

1- panicked mother
1- stocked 20g reef tank
1- condy Anemone
1- lovely New England winter storm
1- Rio 600 Power-head

First started with the panicked mother, add to it the 20g reef tank. You will get a conversation that starts out with a murky and cloudy tank and ends with mother can't find the anemone. So now add to this mix a lovely New England winter storm (which if you turn on the news they are calling this a "kitchen sink storm"...cause we've had everything fall from the sky except the kitchen sink) that I have to shovel out my car (still in my p.j's) and then attempt to drive in lovely N.E. winter storm. I get to my house to find the tank looking like somebody pored a glass of milk in. I'm searching the tank high and low trying to find the anemone. This is where you should add in the Rio 600 Powerhead...It would appear that is was a sad battle: condy anemone vs. Rio 600 Powerhead...unfortunatly the power-head won...So I then make a call to my fish store and explain to the owner what happened. He tells me I need to do a 10-15g water change. So now to make this recipe really good you should add a fact that my LFS isn't so local it's a 45 min drive away, also add today is usually the day I make to drive to stock up on water and supplies and goodies etc. but because of the storm I was going to go tomorrow, then add in a trip to Target to get distilled water (still in my p.j.'s) and last but not least the disassembly of a Rio 600 to get out the bits and pieces of my lovely little condy anemone. Sorry for the long thread but I had to vent...Hope everybody's day is going better than mine...


May 16, 2006
we had that "kitchen sink storm" yesterday and last night and added another 3 inchs today (which is more snow than the entire winter so far combined). It was not pleasant to drive in with the WV/Ohio valley mountains and 'tards on the road.... and I go everywhere in my PJ's except work and even then sometimes I could get by lol

Sorry to hear about your rough day. It sucks about the 'nem but I'm glad you made all the driving around safely. Hopefully everything else makes it through the nem mess


AC Members
Jan 14, 2006
ewww. good luck with it! i hear a lot of us CTians lost power too... :(


AC Members
May 26, 2007
Fargo, ND
Wow these storms are just wrecking havok with tanks. I have a friend who lost a tank in that bad ice storm earlier this year due to lack of power. But wow I think 'nem soup almost takes the cake.


Only Wears Diamonds...
Jan 31, 2008
Oakville, CT
I did a 10g change yesterday and took the drive today to get the RO/DI water. I filled up 15g and will do another 10g change tomorrow. I tested the water and then had the LFS test the water as well with the same results: the nitrites where the littlest bit high but b/c the ammonia was 0 and considering what had happened the owner wasn't that concerned. He said to do another water change tomorrow and just keep an eye on it. So keeping an eye on it I will but all my corals were opened and the fish seem fine...well with the exception of my clarki, he keeps looking for his nem and then swims around frantic for a minute or so and then calms down and starts looking for his nem again. I feel so bad for him he lost his bestfriend...