Zebra danio mortality.

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The one who takes a different path.
Jul 22, 2007
31 Spooner St. Quahog, RI.
Ok, I got a bunch of danios. Two died and they were under warranty and I got them replaced. However I'm still examining my setup to see if it contributed to their deaths. Either it was my setup or they were sick. IF they were sick, I still got to keep an eye on the others.

My original bunch was five zebra danios ( glofish) and one leopard danio)
My setup for them which is supposed to be a quarantine tank is a rather bare 10 gal tank with a small internal whisper filter. I have one plastic cave and one silk plant in there.
The filter was moved from an established tank.
Temps have been around 70-72F. Only problem I noticed is duckweeds got into the filter intake before and slowed it down. So the only problem I've noticed is possible reduced flow levels.
Water has tested goo/ safe levels.
One of the dead ones was stuck on my whisper filter and mutilated., otherwise did not notice any obvious signs of disease.

When I went to get replacements, I decided to get extras because it's a long drive. I got three glofish ( so two were replacements and one extra) and two leopard danios. This brings my total shoal number up to nine.
I'm going to be working on the 29 gal ASAP for them all to be moved in.


Obsessed 13-year-old
Apr 15, 2009
That is odd. Perhaps they were stressed? I have only ever lost one danio, even when nitrites were off the chart because of a faulty filter earlier in my setup. That danio died before any nitrite appeared. It was acting as if there was ammonia poisoning although there was no ammonia present at the time. Just from personal experience, ZD's are one of the hardiest fish available.


The one who takes a different path.
Jul 22, 2007
31 Spooner St. Quahog, RI.
Maybe an hour car trip stressed them out?...They were riding in a cooler.


AC Members
Sep 18, 2008
if you indeed got glofish, i noticed working with them that they can be a bit 'fragile' more so than normal danios. when catching/bagging alot of them would play dead, turn over on their back and flap wildly. once released back into the tank they'd right themselves and swim away with a 'haha fooled ya' swish of their tail. during water vacs and then filling the tanks at work, i noticed they'd do the same but some wouldn't turn back over. added a dose of stress coat seemed to fix this problem. dunno why, maybe it's because of the alterations they've gone thru that makes them more finicky :shrug:


Obsessed 13-year-old
Apr 15, 2009
It sounds like you did everything right, with the cooler and all. I have heard that glo-fish can be more fragile then regular danios. I didn't post this before because I don't have personal experience to attest this.