DIY co2 how much?

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Pump Paintball!
Dec 7, 2007
Fort Wayne, IN
Ive read all about the DIY co2 withe 2l pop bottles and various ways to introduce it via a DIY reactor or a store one, or in the filter intake, or air stone at the bottom.

But i havnt read about the amount. just hook up 2 2L's for a 55 gal mod planted and mod stocked and let it go and youl b ok. i dont wanna wake up with my fish floating. i dont have the test equip for the water params tho. i just wing it and stay on top of bio load and carbon replacement and water changes (thankyou santa for my python!!!) but is there a bubble number someone can give me? or is 2 of em safe enough.

would 1 2L at just full throttle (line in the tank with a stone) be even safer to wing it? how much does one 2l do? like half a 5 pound real co2 setup or something.

I read too that it really doest do that much (the DIY yeast mix) its pretty weak unless its a 5 gal or something.

Cant you just not add co2 and the plants just take a bit longer to grow and fill out? the only reason for extra co2 is the plants right? heck slower growing means less trimming and etc.

so do i just needs to buy the test equip? and do the co2 and watch it? ive never ever lol bought test equip cause i fig as anal as i am that if something was a bit outta whack i be spending more money or correctors and etc.


Sep 8, 2007
To answer your question in no specific order:

The amount of CO2 you need(or if you need CO2 at all) depends on what kind of plants you are trying to grow as well as what lighting you have over your tank. With a low light setup(>1wpg) you probably don't need CO2. But, with >1wpg and no CO2 your plant choices are, well, a little limited(plenty of low light plants, but you're limited in that you can't grow anything you want). If you have a lot of light in your tank, without co2, you will have a lot of algae.

About DIY CO2. I currently run 3 2L bottles of DIY CO2 on a 30g tank. It produces a nice amount of CO2. It the morning when I wake up(lights off all night, plants not using CO2), my CO2 level is a little over 30ppm(15-30ppm is desired), but at the end of the day, I'm closer to 15 ppm. This means that I'm getting enough CO2. However, the fluctuation is the key problem with DIY CO2. I suffer from a slight algae problem since I'm not maintaining a certain level all day.

Point is, 2 2L will be fine with yoru 55g, it might even not be enough. I understand about not wanting to test, but, you can buy a co2 drop checker off of ebay for $16/including shipping, and it'll keep you informed about your co2 levels if you are concerned.


Pump Paintball!
Dec 7, 2007
Fort Wayne, IN
omg thankyou lol some answers. ok sir how do you introduce your co2? airstone at the end ok? and if i run 2 2L with my single bulb i think its 15w but its a new floresent plant bulb i think the package says like 15,000. which i dont get. but its a perfect-o hood and i wanna get another lamp too. theres another spot on the lid. but so 15w with either 1 2L on all the time or should i do 2 and turn them off at night? to be ultra safe without a co2 checker? i have java moss, jungle vail- 1 bunch, form of combodia- darker green tho and grows tall qucik in 2 months ive had to pinch and replant twice- 1 bunch, and a japanese moss ball, floating hornwort- 1 bunch, moneywort- 1 bunch, and some kind of grass like plant that branches- 1 bunch, and water wisteria- 1 bunch half ft.


Sep 8, 2007
With the low light, you'll be ok for sure with DIY CO2. For more information about lighting, check out or search through these forums.

I diffuse my co2 into the tank via a Hagen Ladder

A simple airstone ~can work, but it doesn't quite transfer the co2 into the water as effectively as can be done. Search co2 diffusion in this forum. There are various ways people have used to diffuse co2 including an airstone, the ladder, a bell type diffuser, and a DIY reactor made out of a gravel vac and old powerhead.

The DIY Reactor is the best I'd say, the only reason I don't use it is cause it's a little bulky, and in a 30g it would take up too much space. If you have an old powerhead lying around and an extra gravel vac, his would be the best way to go. Simply search this forum for info on how to build it as well as other info about co2 diffusion


Pump Paintball!
Dec 7, 2007
Fort Wayne, IN
so on the ladder. do you count the bubbles or dont have to? and isnt that unit just for counting? i thought the bubbles race thru and pop up on the surface and escape right? so if i have no drop checker and use a airstone by the filter intake or exhaust? should i run 1 or 2 2L and on at day and off at night? i thankyou so much for your and anyones help.

wow 110 watts for my 55 gal. dang how am i gonna pack that? so if i have my 15w and maybe another 15w then would co2 even b worth it for the single or double bulb? i dont know much about growin plants i appologize. all this info is prolly on some page im seeing. and i read alot b4 i started my first forum here but everyones writing is for there setup for doing it a certain way tho.

since i guess? my lighting is below par would co2 even make a diff? low light no algae and co2 for bushy plants a dream world?


Sep 8, 2007
I can't make the call on the low light + co2. I can say you're fine w/o it. It might do something, but I really can't say.

The ladder prolongs the exposure time of the co2 bubbles. It slows down how fast the rise to the surface, allowing more co2 to get into the water. It also works as a bubble counter. An airstone used in the filter intake would be good, about the same thing as the DIY reactor. This can work with an HOB filter, but works even better with a cannister filter. If you have a cannister filter, this is for sure what you should do(airstone into/by the intake).

Here's the situation with turning on/off your DIY co2. It is not bad for your plants to be exposed to CO2 at night, they just don't use it. In fact, plants will convert co2 into malic acid at night, storing it for use the next day, so if anything, it's good for them. However, it's not that much better for them than turning off the co2 at night. The bottom line is, leaving your co2 on at night wastes co2. Now, for a pressurized co2 system(i.e. out of a gas cylinder) you can just stop the co2 and it's just cut off, no problem, saves money.

With DIY CO2, when you "turn off" the 2L bottles, the yeast keep producing, and the pressure just builds inside your bottles. People will say this is "dangerous." It's not. As long as your aren't using glass bottles(average glass can withstand up to 5 psig of pressure, i.e. not a lot) you won't build enough pressure in a single night to bust your plastic 2L bottles. However, what happens is, the next day, when you "turn on" your co2, it doesn't just trickle out, it "explodes" out, sending all that co2 up to the surface where it is wasted.

On top of that, because you turned off your co2, now your co2 level in the tank is very low(co2 in tank been diffusing out at the surface all night), so it has to build back up to a useful level.

Point is, with DIY CO2, better to leave it on at night.


Pump Paintball!
Dec 7, 2007
Fort Wayne, IN
your welcome lol. more thanks to jeff. so i understand the call on if it will work for me. but co2 should be used if u have the light to match it right? otherwise it prolly wouldnt work? wish someone else has tried this. all of us have more than one tank lol. but so im thinking one 2L on at all times for my 55 gal with 1 15w bulb and see how it goes and hopefully it doesnt hurt anything and maybe bushes my plants a bit more?

whats with this pearling that looks sooo nice. lol thanks takashi amano you gave the the aquascape bug. there is alot of nice clips of aquascaping contest on youtube. but if a plant pearls its at its zen? so to zen then i would need all the requirments?

and with the exploding co2 in the morn at time of turn on. couldnt you use maybe a gang valve and slowly open it? i havnt done the project yet and maybe just doing it will answer alot of my ?'s.

you can see my stocking list at bottom is that enough fish co2? and would dang ferts be better? with my 15 measly watts.

thankyou anyone who can help.

Staff member
Jun 4, 2003
your welcome lol. more thanks to jeff. so i understand the call on if it will work for me. but co2 should be used if u have the light to match it right? otherwise it prolly wouldnt work? wish someone else has tried this. all of us have more than one tank lol. but so im thinking one 2L on at all times for my 55 gal with 1 15w bulb and see how it goes and hopefully it doesnt hurt anything and maybe bushes my plants a bit more?

whats with this pearling that looks sooo nice. lol thanks takashi amano you gave the the aquascape bug. there is alot of nice clips of aquascaping contest on youtube. but if a plant pearls its at its zen? so to zen then i would need all the requirments?

and with the exploding co2 in the morn at time of turn on. couldnt you use maybe a gang valve and slowly open it? i havnt done the project yet and maybe just doing it will answer alot of my ?'s.

you can see my stocking list at bottom is that enough fish co2? and would dang ferts be better? with my 15 measly watts.

thankyou anyone who can help.
you cant pack in the amount of fish that will get you to the co2 levels your looking for.

look at for some upgraded lighting. 15w over a 55g isnt much at all. i would look at the 2x55w bright kit.

oding co2 is very hard. with diy extremely hard. when you od on co2 the co2 pushes the o2 out of the water. the fish then cant breath. diy really isnt that helpful over 20-30 gal. you will end up spending more money and time switching out of the bottles. think 4-6 2l bottles.

on your tank there is no need for co2 or ferts. look to get more and better lighting first.

ps the ladder is only good for smaller tanks. 10-20 gal