Ive read all about the DIY co2 withe 2l pop bottles and various ways to introduce it via a DIY reactor or a store one, or in the filter intake, or air stone at the bottom.
But i havnt read about the amount. just hook up 2 2L's for a 55 gal mod planted and mod stocked and let it go and youl b ok. i dont wanna wake up with my fish floating. i dont have the test equip for the water params tho. i just wing it and stay on top of bio load and carbon replacement and water changes (thankyou santa for my python!!!) but is there a bubble number someone can give me? or is 2 of em safe enough.
would 1 2L at just full throttle (line in the tank with a stone) be even safer to wing it? how much does one 2l do? like half a 5 pound real co2 setup or something.
I read too that it really doest do that much (the DIY yeast mix) its pretty weak unless its a 5 gal or something.
Cant you just not add co2 and the plants just take a bit longer to grow and fill out? the only reason for extra co2 is the plants right? heck slower growing means less trimming and etc.
so do i just needs to buy the test equip? and do the co2 and watch it? ive never ever lol bought test equip cause i fig as anal as i am that if something was a bit outta whack i be spending more money or correctors and etc.
But i havnt read about the amount. just hook up 2 2L's for a 55 gal mod planted and mod stocked and let it go and youl b ok. i dont wanna wake up with my fish floating. i dont have the test equip for the water params tho. i just wing it and stay on top of bio load and carbon replacement and water changes (thankyou santa for my python!!!) but is there a bubble number someone can give me? or is 2 of em safe enough.
would 1 2L at just full throttle (line in the tank with a stone) be even safer to wing it? how much does one 2l do? like half a 5 pound real co2 setup or something.
I read too that it really doest do that much (the DIY yeast mix) its pretty weak unless its a 5 gal or something.
Cant you just not add co2 and the plants just take a bit longer to grow and fill out? the only reason for extra co2 is the plants right? heck slower growing means less trimming and etc.
so do i just needs to buy the test equip? and do the co2 and watch it? ive never ever lol bought test equip cause i fig as anal as i am that if something was a bit outta whack i be spending more money or correctors and etc.