WOW,been gone for a while

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Mar 29, 2005
I am not sure as I never found MFK more inviting in any way than here with the exception that the classifieds are better there. I will say, for a newbie, the two names have two different meanings. Here is a general fish a site and there is a site for large fish. So the two places draw different type people from that alone.
I used that as an example, because, from a leadership perspective, there are a lot of similarities. But the popularity and activity on both is clearly different. I think the classifieds are better there because firstly there is a lot more activity, and secondly the rules appear to actually be enforced. I pay little to no attention to the rest of the forums because it really is not my interest.

Perhaps the issue is that the subject matter here is not the primary passion of the owners of the site. Perhaps some folks have become burnt out over the years. Perhaps staff members have moved on and are spending the majority of their time elsewhere.

There is lots that could be done, in theory, people need to make suggestions, someone needs to step up and acknowledge those suggestions, and then maybe take action on some of those suggestions.

The way things are running right now is a disservice to the sponsors, those registered as Aquaria Central vendors, and ultimately the staff/moderators here


Aug 4, 2011
Phoenix, AZ
Maybe... maybe if some of the mods have moved on, the remaining mods could consider tapping other people to be mods to replace the "lost" ones? Bolster the ranks, so to speak. I mean, we only see consistent activity from a couple mods these days, I think. And since I think everyone's got a day job, trying to cover for MIA mods just stretches the remaining mods more thinly.


Staff member
Dec 30, 2005
Real Name
Mr. Normal
I don't think the blame can be placed on any ONE thing. Participation is nothing without leadership and vice versa.

I submitted several photos for POTM, years ago now, and either would get no reply or told there were not enough people participating which I say is both parties faults because the leadership should have done more to encourage participation and the people that wanted the contest to happen should have submitted photos. Members not participating in contests is a clear sign that something is wrong and needs to be done.

The banners? Why are the banners SO outdated? I don't know what happens "on the other side" but are we really that alone here? :(

I know I am not a BIG name around here but I was always making threads, replying to others (not much on the advice end because I did not feel qualified) and posting pictures (granted they were not prize winners) but I was receiving VERY little response and then.....we got hit with a group of young arrogant members that were like a plague of locust swarming the boards which was when I decided to leave for awhile. It broke my heart when I returned to see the nothingness.

So what can we do about it? I have been trying to be as active as possible, updating my threads and answering questions. Suggestions? BTW I am getting a new camera so expect to see more pictures from me, whether you like it or not! :p:

EDIT: I am SORRY that my posts are always so long. :eek:
Maybe... maybe if some of the mods have moved on, the remaining mods could consider tapping other people to be mods to replace the "lost" ones? Bolster the ranks, so to speak. I mean, we only see consistent activity from a couple mods these days, I think. And since I think everyone's got a day job, trying to cover for MIA mods just stretches the remaining mods more thinly.
That invasion of youngsters was what started it from my perspective. And, actually most of the current Mods were regular members who were all very active in all forums and in chat. As they were pulled in to Mod, they drove the posting and were readily available. There's probably only two Mods that are here on a daily basis anymore....and others that even when they do show up rarely post anything or look at staff threads.


Aug 4, 2011
Phoenix, AZ
I'm familiar with how mods are drawn from the existing user base. I've been a mod on multiple forums and was an implementer on a MUD (where 95% of my coding experience comes from), years ago. I'm just suggesting that you and the other current mods try to get together and find some people who are on frequently, reasonably knowledgeable, and aren't going to scare away new members. I have a couple suggestions I'd make if you ask me via PM, as I don't want to offend anyone that thinks they should get a recommendation, or have it seem like I'm kissing up to those I do recommend. I don't think anyone assumes a mod is going to be omniscient or infallible, just able to get things done.

The fresh blood may help keep things flowing better in some of the forums, and may alleviate the responsibilities of the other mods. Unless a mod is a sufficiently paid position, I assume everyone's got a day (so to speak) job.


AC Moderators
Dec 21, 2005
Spanaway, Wa.
Real Name
I still log in and check threads. I do have a day job, luckily that allows me to check in ;)

I don't mod as much at night partly due to my day job(long hours) and the fact I have a few time consuming tank adventures in the eveningsss.. raising baby discus takes a lot of my extra time as well as my other 12 tanks.

but I do agree, that there was a flood of young aquarium enthusiasts that seemed to have chased away so older longtime members.

they were also very quick to chastise other new members for asking the same questions they had asked :nutkick:
time will tell I guess. ;)


Basset Hound
Jul 30, 2008
Someone is fishing to be a mod in this thread.....


Roll Tide!
Apr 8, 2003
Phoenix, AZ
Visit site
Real Name
Benson Walker
I use to be on here back in the day. I left the whole fish thing for years. I'm back now and enjoy the site. I have learned so much from some good people on this site.


Basset Hound
Jul 30, 2008
I turned my 125 from the fully planted to a no aquascape goldfish tank.
WHAT?? Did Lupin get to you? :)
You never could keep the same thing going in your 125 for long if I remember correctly. Would like to see your goldies. I must confess I have a 30 gallon with a couple of fancies that is technically my daughters, but that I love having. Going no scape for a for a goldie tank is giving me some ideas......


Basset Hound
Jul 30, 2008
Nope. But I have some suggestions. Don't know if they'll take the job, but I think they'd do well.
:bs:Sorry. Not very convincing. I have seen other posts in other threads from you that speak loud and clear. But this is not the place for that.

Why would you think I was talking about you anyway? :rolleyes: