Rate my new 10 Gallon tank

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AC Members
Jan 28, 2017
Here's my new planted 10 gallon tank. It took about 2 days to setup and get the plants all together. Tell me if you like or hate it. Any tips would be helpful. I'm kind of worried that my tank might get dirty quick. Good light for moderate and low light plants.

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"With your powers combined . . ."
Sep 9, 2008
Glasgow, Scotland
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If the plant in the middle is a sword, you might regret that placement as they get both tall and wide.
What do you mean by dirty and what makes you worry?


AC Members
Jan 28, 2017
If the plant in the middle is a sword, you might regret that placement as they get both tall and wide.
What do you mean by dirty and what makes you worry?
I'm worried because my LPS said I still need to leave space to vaccum my fish tank because of the fish waste and other things that fall in the gravel. I thought the plants would take care of that? Righ now all that's in the tank is a platy and ghost shrimp. My filter can filter up to a 20 gallon tank.


"With your powers combined . . ."
Sep 9, 2008
Glasgow, Scotland
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Detritus will still accumulate on the substrate. The plants will remove some of the nitrate, but they won't really increase the rate of left over food and fish waste dissolving in the tank. You'll want to leave room to gravel vac, and for the fish to swim. Moving the sword to the back or off to the side will help with that. The stem plants will fill in quickly as you cut and replant them.


AC Members
Jan 28, 2017
Detritus will still accumulate on the substrate. The plants will remove some of the nitrate, but they won't really increase the rate of left over food and fish waste dissolving in the tank. You'll want to leave room to gravel vac, and for the fish to swim. Moving the sword to the back or off to the side will help with that. The stem plants will fill in quickly as you cut and replant them.
Should remove some of the longer plants from my tank? I was also thinking of remove the tree trunk I have in there as well. It is helps I wanted to some fish that mainly swim towards middle and bottom of the tank.


Global Moderator
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Jan 11, 2013
West Falls NY
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I don't gravel vac my tanks that have rooted plants. Feed quality foods lightly, maybe keep some Malaysian trumpet snails and red cherry shrimp depending on what fish you keep and do your weekly water changes.


AC Members
Jan 28, 2017
I don't gravel vac my tanks that have rooted plants. Feed quality foods lightly, maybe keep some Malaysian trumpet snails and red cherry shrimp depending on what fish you keep and do your weekly water changes.
Ok I only feed what the one fish and ghost can eat in a matter or minutes and feed every other day.
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Teddy's Mom

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Dec 24, 2016
Marin county CA
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If you want, you could keep the benefits of having all the plants yet still open up more space for swimming and gravel vacuuming by floating some or all of the anacharis plants (the upright brushy ones on the right--maybe all of the upright brushy ones? can't tell). They can live either planted in the substrate or floating on the water. And depending on what other fish you add, some kinds appreciate floating plants. Speaking as a newbie myself, anacharis has sure been a great choice because it is super easy; mine is growing all kinds of shoots all over the place and create some interesting "tunnels" to swim through by dangling down at odd angles. :)


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May 4, 2002
North Ga, USA
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Plants do help with water quality, but they have their own needs and are helped by regular partial water changes because of the minerals in the new water replacing depleted water.

When I'm starting a new planted aquarium, I make steps to help the gravel be a little "dirty" because it is beneficial to the plants, and doesn't hurt the fish as long as water changes are kept up with. Fish poop, and any bits of plant, and algae that falls into the gravel all eventually become what is called mulm. It is broken down to a brown sludge, and when I am starting a new planted tank I put a thin layer of that stuff on the bottom of the tank, and a sprinkling of peat moss. Don't put much peat moss because to much makes other problems. Then I put my gravel, or other planted tank substrate. You can grow plants in large gravel, but they won't grow well unless the gravel is a bit "dirty". As long as the plants are growing and there isn't to much in the gravel it is not a problem but beneficial.

I try to keep it so the bottom 1/3 to 1/2 is dirty and the rest is clean. This is done by only pressing the gravel vacuum on the surface of the gravel but not digging in. This gets the surface junk and extra mulm out, but leaves the lower layers undisturbed to feed the plants.

If you have an area without plants, then sure dig in the gravel with the vacuum and keep that spot cleaner since it isn't helping a plant to grow.


AC Members
Jan 28, 2017
If you want, you could keep the benefits of having all the plants yet still open up more space for swimming and gravel vacuuming by floating some or all of the anacharis plants (the upright brushy ones on the right--maybe all of the upright brushy ones? can't tell). They can live either planted in the substrate or floating on the water. And depending on what other fish you add, some kinds appreciate floating plants. Speaking as a newbie myself, anacharis has sure been a great choice because it is super easy; mine is growing all kinds of shoots all over the place and create some interesting "tunnels" to swim through by dangling down at odd angles. :)
Right now I have 4 ghost shrimp, 3 Ember tetra, 1 oto catfish, and 1 female swordtail. I will soon be getting rid of the swordtail and putting in 2 more tetras and 1 more oto catfish.