I have 10 gallon tank with 2 clown killies in it (with some shrimp and a decent amount of plants) would adding a breeding pair of notho killies be a bad idea? The female clown killies are small ... i am just afraid the nothos will eat them. Or do you think they will leave them alone?
SURGERY ON A FISH EGG ! ( a tale of aquatic morality )
Hello, everyone I recently had a Golden Wonder Killifish that hatched from its egg, but failed to completely break free of the egg membrane. Its head was still stuck inside the egg, while only the tail was free!
I found the fry about 24...
Hello everyone,
if you have never seen one of my videos before, then you are in for a real treat!
In this particular high definition video, you will see incredible closeup footage of the beautiful Golden Wonder Killifish mating and laying their eggs. Then, the video takes you through the...
A Fish With Three Eyes !
Killifish are some of the most colorful and interesting freshwater fish that we have in the hobby. In fact, some species could very well be the most colorful freshwater fish on the planet ! However, they are rarely seen in stores, so very few of us are familiar with...
A Fish With Three Eyes !
Killifish are some of the most colorful and interesting freshwater fish that we have in the hobby. In fact, some species could very well be the most colorful freshwater fish on the planet ! However, they are rarely seen in stores, so very few of us are familiar with...
So. This is the first and only forum besides a professional photography one I belonged to for almost a decade... I haven't found answers that helped me yet. One was about killifish egg hatching but that's kinda scary to me. I don't want to get fish just to have them while I learn... I love the...