neon tetra

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  1. K

    Sick Neon Tetra! I’m a novice that needs advice

    I had 7 neon Tetras for about a month. About a week ago one passed very suddenly. He was fine till an hour before and his only issue was swimming weird. Now another is sick and I can’t figure out what it is. It’s only swimming strange and it’s eyes seem bigger then the others, so maybe popeye...
  2. R

    Fish Keep Dying in My Freshwater Tank

    Hello! I have a 10 gallon freshwater tank. I purchased it and let it sit for four days before introducing a glow light neon tetra and a powder blue dwarf gourami. The glow light neon tetra died and I bought two of the traditional neon tetras. They died within a few hours of me putting them in...
  3. FishyWarrior

    Neon tetras won't eat

    After the tragedy in my 40 gallon i decided to go ahead with my stocking plan of neon tetras. I got 15 of them and quarantined them for a whole month, and later got 9 more which i also quarantined. They were all doing very well in quarantine, they were all eating and seemed very healthy! But as...
  4. G

    Can someone please help me identify what's wrong with my neon tetra?

    Woke up today and found that one of them had a swollen belly? Is this some sort of an infection that'll spread? Any advice is welcome! Thanks!
  5. M

    Neon Tetra: Sick or Normal Behaviour?

    Hello everyone, I'm a new aquarist. I don't have the readings of my water on hand, but my local aquarium shopkeeper told me everything is in tip top shape after taking a reading before I started adding fish. Two days ago I purchased 6 Neon Tetras and 1 Sewellia Lineolata. My question is in...
  6. Neutral_Water

    Neon Tetra Help, Please, Thanks.

    Hey, I'm new to this forum and recently got eight neon tetras and had the recruit mistake of releasing them immediately into my tank after letting them rest on top of the water for about five minutes. I'm quite sure my ammonia, nitrates and nitrites are low. (If this can aid in helping me I have...
  7. N

    Help needed... neon tetra on his own...

    Hi I'm new here... I've kept fish before but not for a long time since I was a teenager and my daughter wanted a tropical tank so I was dead excited to help her set it up! So recently set up a 10 gallon tank with heater filter etc let it run for 7 days after using the tap safe additive and went...
  8. chub04

    Male Betta with Neon/Cardinal Tetras

    Hey everyone, just wanted to hear some opinions on this topic. I currently have a male betta in a 20 gal. tank and was thinking about adding neon or cardinal tetras. Probably about 10-12 of them. Wanted to hear some opinions on whether or not this will work? Any success/horror stories of people...
  9. J

    Neon Tetras, constipated or parasite infection?

    Hello everyone, I joined this forum for some help. I have recently bought some neon tetras (about 5 days ago) and today I found out that some of them are... "rounder" if you will, than others. I do not know if they are just well fed (fed them today) or sick. I have also noticed two or three...
  10. P

    10g Stocking Questions

    Hello! This is really my second time stocking a 10g tank but this time I want to stock it with many more fish (I used to only have 2 mollies) and I was wondering if what I have planned for it is okay. - 1 male betta - 1 african dwarf frog - 3 otos - 5 neon tetras I have a couple of questions...