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  1. Teddy's Mom

    Catappa leaves, peat, driftwood that leaches tannins--pros/cons?

    Hi all, I've been reading about how many tropical fish like to have peat, or Catappa leaves, and/or tannins in the water, and am confused about whether these things are interchangeable, or provide different benefits, and whether tannins in general from driftwood are a good thing/just as good. I...
  2. Teddy's Mom

    Do live plants or driftwood affect the cycling process?

    I've just set up my first tank, 37 gallons with a few pieces of driftwood (which are leaching tannins into the water so it's kind of the color of weak tea) and maybe 10 or 15 medium & small plants. I'm wondering if the plants or wood will have any effect on cycling. My understanding is that many...