yellow labs

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  1. V

    Cichlid Tankmates

    Hi all, this is my 1st post. Am a newbie with regard to having cichlids. I currently have a 10 gallon tank with a few baby cichlids. I currently have two 5-color peacock cichlids (1 inch), two red peacock cichlids 91 inch), three yellow labs (less than 1 inch) and a pleco. I want to add one...
  2. F

    Feeding Yellow Labs

    Just picked up 9 yellow labs for 90g tank Sunday. Forgot to ask the previous owner what he fed them and have yet to hear back. Gave flake and pellets. Paid no attention to flakes and pellets, for the most part, would be spit out. Think they're still stressed from the move/new environment? will...