125g stocking ideas

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Mr Fish Face

AC Members
Mar 15, 2020
Hi everyone! New to this forum.

I have been in the world of saltwater and coral reef tanks for many years now. I recently broke down my big 125g tank (72"X18"X23") and have been thinking of ideas for what to do with it when I restart it this summer. I am considering going freshwater for a bit with it; of course nothing is set in stone yet. The system itself has two built in overflows with a 55g sump underneath.

What would you do with this system if it were yours? Everything is on the table as it's just coming up with ideas. Plants, predators, anything. I am used to dealing with very advanced types of corals so high need plants don't scare me at all. Budget is going to be near a couple thousand once I finish selling my corals.

One idea I had was to go heavy on plants and get a large school of small fish for the tank. I also considered piranha but they are illegal to own in my state (Idaho) so that's out. Discuss look very pretty though I have not yet done any research on them at all. I don't know. I am hoping you guys can help me come up with some possible ideas by sharing what you, personally, would do with this tank!

Lalo J.

AC Members
Mar 8, 2020
If I had the system that you have, I would definitely go with a community tank planted with all the species that I like, since you have experiences with corals, then you should not have any problem with a high level planted tank . I also maintain a saltwater tank, but I have always been more dedicated to fish. The plants that I suggest to you are rotala walichii, Ammania gracilis, Ludwigia glandulosa, Rotala macrandra, Ludwigia pantanal, just to name a few of the most beautiful that I know. And as fish you can add shoals of fish that would look spectacular in that tank volume. To give you examples of shoal fish I would choose Puntius denisoni, Moehnkausia pittieri, Boehlkia fredcochui, some species of Hyphessobrycon, and a pair of angels altum. You must also add all the natural elements for your project, the trunks or roots of your choice must be of a single type so as not to damage the original image of your aquarium, without a doubt you will do a great job if you want to do it this way.
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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
If you want discus & plants, you could do them. The "really cool" plants often require co2, but if discus is your focus, learn all you can about them first. Are you willing to supply their needs? Lots of water changes & often special foods...& compatible tankmates.

I have to say I no longer want the maintenance of discus right now, they were a lot of work to grow up juveniles. But they are beautiful!! if needy fish. Nor do I want the high maintenance of a high light co2 plant tank right now.

I'd say pick 1 or the other to be your focus. You can have a lovely tank of lower light plants & almost adult size discus. Or a wonderful co2 high light planted tank with adult discus as a possible later addition. If you try both at 1 time, I think you may be disappointed &/or frustrated.

Just my 2 cents, I've never dealt with saltwater...

Mr Fish Face

AC Members
Mar 15, 2020
I think that is definitely some sound advice! I do appreciate your input :)

So lets say the focus would be more on the plants. What kind of fish would you guys personally use in a tank like this with lots of plants?

Lalo J.

AC Members
Mar 8, 2020
I think that is definitely some sound advice! I do appreciate your input :)

So lets say the focus would be more on the plants. What kind of fish would you guys personally use in a tank like this with lots of plants?
I would use tetras, corydoras and apistograms without a doubt. Now that you plan to focus your project on a planted aquarium, I can suggest that you offer your plants the best necessary elements that are available on the market for substrate, lighting and fertilizers, your plants will appreciate it.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Lalo J. has a nice idea. Or you could go with Asian fish, smallish loaches (my favs!) like botia kubotai, sidthimunki &/or striatas or pangios, dennisoni barbs & rasboras. I also like cryptocorynes in all their many forms (Asian too, lol, if a "biotope-ish tank is an interest). So many options!

What plants &/or fish do you like...beside discus? Some of the smaller cichlids have almost discus-like prettiness, spangles & well, cuteness in behaviors too, especially in pairs of breeding fish. Narrow it down for us. We all have fantasy set ups, ahem, whether actually done long term or not just yet, lol.