15 Gallon Rescape (with Pics)

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AC Members
Jun 1, 2008
So I finally rescaped my 15 gallon. Finished product isn't exactly what I was hoping for, but it's better than the state it was in. Here it is:

I'm hoping the haigrass will completely cover the little hill on the right side. Also, I know you can't see it, but there is glosso in the middle / along the front. One thing I learned - do not plant the tiny foreground leaves before filling the tank and making sure nothing else needs to be moved around. A whole bunch of it got lost when the driftwood decided it wanted to float (much more boyant than I expected, and the Schultz isn't all that heavy lol), which caused me to have to push around some of the substrate. If I'm lucky it'll still fill in...wel'll see

I'm not a big fan of the left side. I broke up the crypt I had (you can't really see it, but its in the back). I wasn't going to put the rotala in there, but the left side looked kinda weird with nothing but the anubias and the few crypt stems in the back. We'll see how it fills in. Could use some suggestions for possible plants on that side though.

So yea, that's it. Nothing spectacular, but we'll see what happens in the next few months in terms of growth. If everything fills in the way I'm hoping it will, should be decent looking.

Any suggestions or comments are welcome.

BTW, how do you all take pictures of your tanks? I cannot seem to get a decent one. I'm using my girlfriends Nikon D80, which is a nice camera, but it seems like I just can't get a decent full-tank shot. The upclose ones are alright, but otherwise it's just grainy looking.


AC Members
Jun 1, 2008
thanks :)

BK (or anyone else) do you have any suggestions for some bushy-type plant for the back left? I haven't had much luck with the rotala to date...it may come around now that I've added CO2 and I've given it some more space (had it all clumped in a corner last time), but I'm not getting my hopes up. Figure I'll start getting replacement ideas now.

That whole left side is kinda a mess, tbh. I think I need to supplement the anubias in terms of a midground / foreground plant and fill in the background a bit, but I just don't know with what.

Would like to add some faster growing plants since I'm still dealing with a bit of BBA (I'm continually treating the anubias, but so far it seems to be a losing battle)


AC Members
Jun 1, 2008
hrm...not a whole lot of shade in there right now lol.

I guess we'll see what happens.

I have a feeling I'm going to be redoing the whole left side at some point in the near future.