2 CO2 Questions

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AC Members
Dec 5, 2006
Kansas, USA
I've had my 36 gallon tank up for about 3 weeks. I had a cannister filter on another tank for a month, so I cycled in a week exactly. I've been through the diatom stage that covered everything in brown, that has pretty much stopped. I have some plants that are stained brown, and some that are showing some black spots on them. I don't know if this is some kind of algae or not. I am dosing according to Rex's planted tank guide and using diy co2. According to my KH and Ph, my Co2 level is 29. I run a bubbler at night since I cannot shut off my Co2, is that really neccasarry? My spraybar is slightly rippling the surface, will that be enough to keep the oxygen up during the night? My plants are pearling and streaming a lot of oxygen, do I need to worry about O2 levels at night, and are there any suggestions about the black algae? Thanks

Kh: 107
Gh: 250
Ph: 6.8
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 10