25-30g Tank at my work (office): Good/bad Idea?

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Registered Member
Sep 10, 2006
Hey guys I got question (or two)

First off I've been interested in starting a freshwater tank for sometime now but because of my roommate/landlords phobia towards fish I haven't been able to. So my only other option is to start one in my office at work. I've already been approved by my boss but I'm thinking of the fish here. I have room for a tank that is approx. 30" across.

Now I haven't purchased anything yet but I want your opinion/advice. Is this a good or a bad idea? I'll only be there 5 days a week with no one there over the weekends. Would this be plausible if I got a autofeeder for the weekends or would I have to come in on the weekend to check up on them?

Just trying to get an idea of what I'm getting into here and if it's even a good idea.



The Peacock Gudgeon Guy
Aug 22, 2006
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Many offices have cleaning crews that come through after the work day/on weekends. You'd have to be sure they don't have any spray cleaning chemicals that could get into the tank and harm your fishies.

Otherwise...I don't see why you couldn't keep it at work. It's really an elegant piece of art/furniture, and brightens ANY setting. Many fish can survive two days without feeding. I mean, obviously you would want to feed them every day, but if it's the difference between a $50 feeder and just having them fast on the weekends...I might choose the fasting. They definitely won't be overfed, in that case.

Wait for people with more experience to respond, though. :)


Cichlid Specialist
Apr 27, 2006
New Mexico USA
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I managed a office in Detroit years ago and I bought a 55 gallon for the office it was great and employees enjoyed it. You would be fine as far as feeding goes you could easily go without feeding for the weekends. One thing to think about is can you do water changes, weekly if needed can it be placed in a low traffic area, can you keep it out of direct sunlight? If your boss is willing to give you the ok than that is cool. I would go for it if you are up to it.


AC Members
Feb 20, 2004
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I have to agree that the limiting factors here would be placement and being able to be able to do water changes every week. I mean if your close enough to a restroom (or other sink) a python durring slow hours would work, but I can't think you'd want to lug around a 5g bucket of water. As for the weekends a 2 day fasting shouldn't be a concern. I know when I'm on vacation (5 weeks this last time) I have whoever is watching my house feed the fish every other day from prepackaged baggies. Keep in mind you typically assume about 12 pounds per gallon capacity on a tank so whatever you place it on better be able to handle it.


Registered Member
Sep 10, 2006
Thanks for the responses guys. It'll be in a low traffic area (basically right behind my desk). It's quite literally going in my office ;P. I have no windows so the light amounts are controllable and I'm located very close to the sink and washrooms so again I should be ok on water changes. And vacation feeding should be ok as my co-worker should be willing.

I'm still debating on what types of fish to put in there but I was hoping to get a cross ray crown tail betta as a feature fish and then anything that is compatible. But I'm still researching into the different types of species available. I really don't want to get it's fins nipped off. I never realized how much goes into just selecting the fish!