I need a new build in my life, wanna follow along? I've been planning/working on this for a couple weeks but just today made some solid final answer decisions so I can start sharing now!
Tank - 29g aquarium (probably my least favorite in respect to ratio but it is the biggest I can fit right now)
Stand - reinforced solid wood dresser (this will be upgraded in the near future)
Lights - Most likely just a couple CFL bulbs in those dome reflectors HIGH above the tank
Heater - None. The room stays between 70 and 76, if anything I need a chiller in summer.
Fauna - Red cherry shrimp, probably snails
Flora - Moss, Java ferns, Anubias for sure. Still debating..Crypts (my favorite plants) and Vals (never tried them) If I just do the first group I am don't need any "special" substrate or root tabs but I LOVE crypts. hehe
Things I am working out...
Filter - Undecided. I have a stack of HOB and canisters to sort through
Substrate - Really up in the air with this one. Dirt with sand cap? Pool filter sand? Colorquartz? Some oil-dri/SMS/Turface/kitty litter stuff? Leaning towards the last one at this point, looks good enough but gives me good CEC for any root feeders I MIGHT want.
Ferts and CO2 - I don't like to add them to shrimp tanks but I might try running this with increased lights and ferts and CO2/carbon for a few months to get the plants going strong then reduce everything back before adding shrimp.
I had to rearrange my entertainment area to fit the tank in. I really wanted an aquarium where I could ACTUALLY see it from a comfortable angle. I also had to build a platform for the tank because where it is located there is a patch job to the floor under the carpet making it grossly uneven and the tank straddled it. Excuse the mess, haven't cleaned up my work area yet.
Next step will most likely be getting the hardscape going. Figure I can determine substrate better after I have some sort of visual to work with. Here some of the wood I have lying around, need to find my rocks....
More to come soon!
ANY questions, comments and suggestions strongly encouraged!
Tank - 29g aquarium (probably my least favorite in respect to ratio but it is the biggest I can fit right now)
Stand - reinforced solid wood dresser (this will be upgraded in the near future)
Lights - Most likely just a couple CFL bulbs in those dome reflectors HIGH above the tank
Heater - None. The room stays between 70 and 76, if anything I need a chiller in summer.
Fauna - Red cherry shrimp, probably snails
Flora - Moss, Java ferns, Anubias for sure. Still debating..Crypts (my favorite plants) and Vals (never tried them) If I just do the first group I am don't need any "special" substrate or root tabs but I LOVE crypts. hehe
Things I am working out...
Filter - Undecided. I have a stack of HOB and canisters to sort through
Substrate - Really up in the air with this one. Dirt with sand cap? Pool filter sand? Colorquartz? Some oil-dri/SMS/Turface/kitty litter stuff? Leaning towards the last one at this point, looks good enough but gives me good CEC for any root feeders I MIGHT want.
Ferts and CO2 - I don't like to add them to shrimp tanks but I might try running this with increased lights and ferts and CO2/carbon for a few months to get the plants going strong then reduce everything back before adding shrimp.
I had to rearrange my entertainment area to fit the tank in. I really wanted an aquarium where I could ACTUALLY see it from a comfortable angle. I also had to build a platform for the tank because where it is located there is a patch job to the floor under the carpet making it grossly uneven and the tank straddled it. Excuse the mess, haven't cleaned up my work area yet.
Next step will most likely be getting the hardscape going. Figure I can determine substrate better after I have some sort of visual to work with. Here some of the wood I have lying around, need to find my rocks....
More to come soon!
ANY questions, comments and suggestions strongly encouraged!