Am I frying the fishies? HELP!

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AC Members
Aug 26, 2005
undefinedundefinedundefined :sad: I am very new to this experience. I recently got a 30 gal from a neighbor who was moving. I got 3 plecos, cory, and a kissing fish in the deal. I broke tank down and cleaned thoroughly...ditched the underwater gravel filter. GOT new rocks and 2 10in airstones. problem is this. After getting it all ready to go...(did'nt really know or understand cycling at this point) I bought three so african chiclids. One is a bumblebee and one is a I have forgotten..started out all yellow but is developing light vertical bar like stripes. The other a malawi. He was all black but is supposed to turn darker and darker blue as he grows. I also bought 2 clown loaches.

The tank stays at 70 degrees. I have been told to raise the temp by lfs so I purchased a submersible heater and also the suggested aquarium salt. Salt says best temp for treatment is 80. I installed this heater 36 hours ago and it reached 80 about 22 hours ago. I put in salt at recommended dose.

Fish seem more active in warmer water. BUT today my kissing fish and the malawi and bumblebee are staying right at the top. I have to turn my heater to 83 to reach 80. SO about an hour ago I turned it down to 80 just in case this is whats wrong. The rest of the fish are in hiding and the plecos are allon bottom.

Thank you for any help...sorry so longwinded!


No freelancing!
Aug 14, 2001
Real Name
Any test kits?

Lots of issues here. First, by ditching the undergravel filter, you removed most if not all of the nitrifying bacteria, so the tank is probably cycling--high ammonia and nitrite levels, which can be very bad for fish. Is there any filter on the tank right now?

Second--aquarium salt is NOT needed for your fish. Period. It's just not. Yes, LFS suggest it, but they won't be able to tell you why without using phrases like "balances electrolytes" and "it's always done". Well, it DOESN'T balance squat, it's NOT always done, and the fish do not need it. Salt has medical uses in an aquarium, and you may need that later (see, but for now, don't put anymore of the 'aquarium' salt in your tank.

Third: You have a huge mix of fish in there, some will be fine, other will outgrow your tank, and others will end up fighting and killing each other and the other fish. The kissing gouramies get up to 10 inches, many plecos will get up 18 inches, clowns average 12 inches, and cichlids should NEVER be mixed without knowing what species you have. Start researching now, and plan to either get rid of some of those fish, or getting them a bigger tank.

Now, for the temperature issue. 80 is just fine for the fish. They can take up to 88, as long as there is adequate surface agitation. The described behavior is most likely from ammonia burn to their gills--not good. By bringing in clown loaches, and stressing them, you have a high likelyhood they had ich on purchase and will now get a serious outbreak--check ALL the fish for small, white, salt-like flecks on them. If you find them, crank the heat up to 86. Because the tank is cycling, you're not going to be able to adequately medicate, because you need to start doing daily water changes--I'd start at 40% and do more if needed. Pick up some test kits--Ammonia, nitrites, and KH are immediately important.


AC Members
Aug 26, 2005
Thanks for your reply. I have had my water tested and all is well. I have had all of these fish and this tank running for a month. I do have top fin bio3 filter with sponge running.

This tank is within normal limits according to fish store tests. They have all been happy campers until today. After salt and heater install.

The plecos and the kissing fish and cory have been in this tank for a couple of years. No one will take them and I didn't have the heart to flush. They are fun to watch. I do not have access to another tank yet. SOmeday maybe! I live about 20 minutes from the nearest fish store that will take the plecos (I only want one ...they make such a mess), two of them, but they will only give credit of a couple bucks for a 6in and 5.5in. Gas prices right now are 2.70 a gallon....not very economical if you know what I mean.

The kissing fish killed every other fish my neighbor ever tried so when I took it I assumed I would be getting rid of it if I had any problems with new fish. Instead, the chiclids pick on him! SO I figure I will probably be getting rid of him too.

I have good airation with the two stones and good circulation with the top fin filter and probably the stones help too. I took out the undergravel filter because it was not easy to upkeep. I use a gravel vaccuum that works very well once a week. I do a 25-30% water change once a week when I vacuum.

Now I did have an algae build up and had to add algae meds. It was greeeeen. Fish didn't seem to mind though. It is much better now and I do not leave my light on as much.

Could it be because of the temp coming up so quick after so long in a colder environment?

No ich. I just helped my cousin treat his guppies for ich and there is no sign of it. Nothing out of the ordinary except the fishys stay near top.

Since turning it down a bit they are not staying up there as much. DOn't know if it is a coincidence or not. Probably. When I do my water changes my water is usually a bit warmer even though room temp and my fish come out of hiding and are very fun to watch. SO this is why I was thinking that they were more active, but they have never done the hoover thing.

Now the blue fish hides up there from time to time, blending in with filter because bumblebee picks on him some.
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No freelancing!
Aug 14, 2001
Real Name
Lots of things could cause the problem. When did the LFS test your water? Any actual numbers? Sorry, but 'okay' is pretty well meaningless.

What algae 'med' did you add? Was the water green?


AC Members
Aug 26, 2005
No they did not give me numbers. They tested with strips. Water was Greeeeeeeen! It is alot better now but not completely clear yet. I used Algae Destroyer advanced 15 drops per 10 gallons. Made by aquarium pharmac.

2 days ago on when tested. same day I bought heater.


AC Members
Nov 15, 2003
Vancouver, Canada
I think temperature is the last of your worries here. Fish are generally pretty hardy when it comes to temp swings, and can handle a slight one. Personally i think 80F is too high. Aim for 76-78F. Although constant is better than accurate if you know what i mean.

Like oriongirl said, Malawi cichlids get big and aggressive and will need a larger tank. 30 gal is bare minimum, and only good if your just keep maximum 3 "peaceful" cichlids like yellow labs and provide ample rockwork. The kissing gouramies get huge and aggressive too, and should have a bigger tank. It doesnt matter about how much credit you get for your fish, get rid of the ones that will ultimately die stunted in a small tank and will pollute it (mainly the plecos). You will be giving them a better home if you trade them in if you yourself cant provide it.

They could be at the top of the tank because an aggressive fish is staking territory and causing them to be up there.

Its good your learning about cycling.... investing in your own test kits will be a good idea. With that many fish, your going to need to keep a close eye on your ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Testing daily during the cycle period is ideal, and once weekly after that just to make sure everything is going smoothly. BUT i can almost guarantee your gonna run into big problems in this tank, be it because of overcrowding or aggression.



AC Members
Aug 26, 2005
Ok...I went to petsmart and bought an ammonia test kit. Liquid. You were right. It is off the charts! I did a 30% water change and changed the floss part of biofilter (left biosponge of course.) I also added a bag of diamond..I don't remember what they're called. They reduce ammonia and clarify water. I added them behind filter. Filter has carbon and diamond whatever also.

What else can I do?