Cloudy eye and labored breathing

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Apr 28, 2005
A while back my male sajica has developed a popeye at the same time the eye got cloudy. I also noticed that there were two white dots on the head (not ich). He was placed in a hospital tank with Epsom salt and was treated with Parasite clear (has metronidazol and other stuff) and Fungus eliminator. The popeye went away after a week and a half so did two white spots. The cloudy eye took another week. After that he was returned to the main tank. A day later I noticed some clear/whitish stuff around the eye that had the problem. It didn't look like fungus, it was more like patches of dead skin. The cloudy eye started creeping back in around the edges. He seemed to have difficulty breathing and stayed at the bottom all the time. I put him back in the hospital tank with Epsom salt and treated with Parasite clear again. After 2 days in the hospital tank the cloudy eye has spread more and he still breaths with difficulty.
Another thing is that he looks like a bit bloated but he looked that way since I got him. His poop is clear, like a string.
I am not sure what to do at this point. It appears to me that he has some parasites/bacteria in the gills (he does a head shake once in a while but very rarely and swats at his eye with the fin). He may also have a internal parasites in digestive system.
Parasite clear and fungus eliminator did not help much. I don't think it's worth to proceed with them. But what else? Potassium permanganate dip? Will it help with the bacteria/parasites in the gills?
Thank you!