C ChilDawg Math is sexy. Dec 26, 2002 4,249 0 36 42 Byron and Normal (IL) hometown.aol.com Aug 29, 2003 #11 Some of these figures don't work out, but the tanks of these dimensions are still sold by their names as listed above.
Some of these figures don't work out, but the tanks of these dimensions are still sold by their names as listed above.
C ChilDawg Math is sexy. Dec 26, 2002 4,249 0 36 42 Byron and Normal (IL) hometown.aol.com Aug 29, 2003 #12 http://www.alysta.com/books/fishtank.htm should help.
C caffeine AC Members Jul 2, 2003 64 0 0 Charlotte, NC Visit site Sep 5, 2003 #13 http://www.all-glass.com/services/techinfo.shtml has the exact dimensions of all of the All-Glass tanks, as well as dry weight, estimated full weight, and if the tank has a tempered bottom or not.
http://www.all-glass.com/services/techinfo.shtml has the exact dimensions of all of the All-Glass tanks, as well as dry weight, estimated full weight, and if the tank has a tempered bottom or not.